Presented by: Student Information Centre (SIC), Swinburne University The SIC Technological Consultative Group: Ray Chan Siu-Ching Fong & Hwee-Ting Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Student Information Centre (SIC), Swinburne University The SIC Technological Consultative Group: Ray Chan Siu-Ching Fong & Hwee-Ting Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Student Information Centre (SIC), Swinburne University The SIC Technological Consultative Group: Ray Chan Siu-Ching Fong & Hwee-Ting Lee Can We Fix It? Yes We Can! Service Centre Conference, Melbourne - May 2007

2 Abstract Do not have an endless budget AND a team of IT techs behind you? We will share with you our experience on developing technological solutions that relates to, and deliver efficiency to our local operations. Examples of software and technological solutions will be highlighted as well as lessons learnt from the implementations.

3 Swinburne Student Information Centre (SIC) Established in 2004 One centre on each 5 campuses Services:  Provision of information and assistance to Swinburne Higher Education and TAFE students, Swinburne staff  Provision of documentation for students and external authorities;  Provision of course enquiries information;  General student administration tasks, including the processing and filing of student related materials and some cashiering. Via:  Face-to-face (Counter)  Phone & E-mail (Contact Centre)  Online (Ask George)

4 Technology Consultative Group Group members are SIC staff Initially formed to research technology solutions to identified areas Open to helping SIC colleagues with technology solution

5 Stages of Development Review and identify the work processes that can be improved with technology without blowing the budget and relying heavily and solely on the University’s IT department (ITS) Research on technological solutions that are available within the University and in the market Select the most appropriate solution Discuss feasibility of proposed solution with ITS

6 Examples of Technological Solutions Ask George Academic Transcript Intranet WIKI CISCO Webcam

7 Ask George  An online FAQ database for all current students & staff  Off the shelf product  Less than 2 years old  Aim:  Online channel & automation info provision  Cut down on repetitive enquiries – self serve  24/ 7 access to information  Measure effectiveness – logins, answers viewed, searches & web enquiries  Same busy period for counter & online

8 Ask George – Screen Shot Screen Shot

9 Ask George (continued)  Project officer appointed to oversee the project  Implementation involved RightNow, SIC, ITS  Integrated behind the My.Swinburne portal  2005 April start, July launch  Rolled out in stages – current students and staff, followed by prospective / general

10 Ask George (continued)  Support:  Swinburne ITS  RightNow  Benchmarking: Turnaround reply time  Staff training  Staff buy-in: crucial  12 licenses in use across 5 campuses  Info session, training session, manual for agents  On-going support for agents from AG Project Officer

11 Academic Transcript Intranet This is an example of a smaller scale technological solution What is it?  Database-driven Intranet to manage the application process How we developed and implemented it  Drafted Proposal and reviewed by the ITS  Using PHP and MYSQL  Intranet was developed and implemented in approximately six months

12 Academic Transcript Intranet (continued) Resources  ITS advice and expertise  Staff knowledge and expertise  Time allocation for staff to assist in the development of the project Outcome  Multiple authorised users could update records simultaneously  The progress and status of the application also could be monitored easily  Reduces time required to run and analyse reports

13 Search for a Record

14 Search Result Page

15 Reports

16 WIKI This is an example of a technological solution recommended by the University’s IT department What is it?  Information-based intranet for SIC staff to receive the latest update on University’s matters How we developed and implemented it  Sought advice from ITS  Requested a trial to be conducted

17 WIKI (continued) Resources  ITS expertise  Staff feedback and contribution Outcome  More user-friendly website  Less frustration and time wasted  Provide statistical report

18 WIKI (Home Page)

19 Example of a Topic

20 Cisco Webcam A face to face communication tool Resources + Development time: Guidance from relevant people Outcomes A work in progress, functional Timesaver/ease to schedule and conduct multi-campus meetings The system is functional, But not as expected

21 Conclusions Lessons Learnt Things To Consider Q& As

22 Lessons Learnt Develop strong relationship with the University's IT department Careful planning of staff resources and time to ensure minimal disruptions to daily operations Start small – enhance later Training

23 Things to Consider: Researching our needs – planning our solution Ensure our end product fits our strategic needs  Facilitate sharing of information;  Save time and effort (automate process where possible)  Self serve – can students & staff use this independently?  Benchmarking capability for KPIs  Customer Service level improvement

24 Things to Consider (continued) Service Level Agreement’s - Who will support it? Resources for technological improvements Patience Involving ITS Use Feedback and Quality Content to improve the project

25 Can We Fix It? Yes we can! BUT…. With Support

26 Questions ?

27 Thank You

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