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INTO Manchester Student Guide to Tier 4 Student Visa’s and Compliance

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Presentation on theme: "INTO Manchester Student Guide to Tier 4 Student Visa’s and Compliance"— Presentation transcript:

1 INTO Manchester Student Guide to Tier 4 Student Visa’s and Compliance

2 Who can help with your visa questions
These lovely people are always happy to help Nicola Francis He Hui Ling Keeley Ansell Adrienne Tighe Admissions and Student Services Student Services Student Services Support Team Leader Officer Officer Officer You can contact us at or make an appointment with reception

3 How we can help Answer your visa questions
Show you where to find the information you need Check your visa applications before you send them for renewal Issue a CAS for you Explain which documents you need to send with your visa application We cannot complete your visa forms for you this must be done by you. Your visa is your responsibility so you must remember when your visa ends.

4 Useful links - UK Border Agency
- This is where you can find the Tier 4 application form for renewing your visa - UK council for International Student affairs (UKCISA) – Video link for helping you complete your visa application 1 – UKBA website. For all immigration and Tier 4 information and updates 2 – Tier 4 application form 3 – UKCISA this is a very useful website for students as all the information is explained in away students will understand.

5 Protecting your Immigration Status
Make sure you enrol for your course in time Check if you need to register with the police, this will be stated on your visa. If you are unsure please ask a member of staff Check you work conditions. This will also be found on your visa. Please do not work if your visa says you cannot. Apply for your new visa in time. Every visa has an end date please make sure if you have a Tier 4 student visa you apply before it ends. This is your responsibility. Do not claim public funds Open a UK bank account that will send you printed bank statements Keep copies of all your documents If you change any of your details such as your address you must inform the UKBA ATTEND YOUR COURSE – If you do not attend INTO may have to report you to the UKBA

6 What are the duties INTO Manchester must comply with
INTO Manchester must report to the UKBA Any Tier 4 students who fail to enrol on time without explanation. If a student misses 10 'expected contacts' on their course of study without being granted reasonable permission. Any student for who we withdraw sponsorship for any reason. Any Tier 4 students who cease studies permanently/temporarily unless this is considered an authorised absence. Any significant changes to the sponsored student’s situation.  For example, if their course length shortens, or they change their course we must inform the UKBA

7 What are the duties INTO Manchester must comply with
We must also send the UKBA details of any third party or intermediary, in the UK or abroad, that helped us students. Report any students we reasonably believe to be in breach of their visa conditions. We must report most changes within 10 working days of the event in question, and give the UKBA the name and address of any new institution that the student has joined if we know it.

8 Compliance What Documents must we keep
Copy of all student’s passport pages showing all personal identity details Copy of the student’s United Kingdom Biometric Card. Record of the student’s absence/attendance, this may be kept either electronically or manually. A history of the student’s contact details (United Kingdom residential address, telephone number, mobile telephone number). This must be updated regularly. Copies (or originals where possible) of any evidence assessed by you as part of the process of making an offer to the student. For example copies of references, examination certificates etc.

9 Working during your studies
If you have a TIER 4 Student Visa you will not be able to study during your time with INTO Manchester. Your visa may say work prohibited – this means you cannot work If you have a Student Visitor Visa you cannot work in the UK.

10 Change of circumstances
If you change any of your personal details whilst in the UK and you have a visa stamp in your passport you need to inform the UKBA. You can do this by completing the Migrant Change of Circumstances form If you change any of your personal details whilst in the UK and you have a Biometric residence permit you need to inform the UKBA. You can do this by completing the Biometric card replacement Form If you are unsure how to do this please make an appointment to speak to Admissions. This could be your address, your name.

11 Applying for visa Give yourself enough time to apply Don’t panic
Complete your form and have your documents ready before you see the Admissions team Attend the drop in sessions and check the visa board for up to date information If you not sure about anything check the UKBA website or speak to the Admissions Team Smile. Do not apply last minute. It will just make both you more stressed and can sometimes lead to mistakes on your application We are here to help, but you must remember we have work to do to so you need to appreciate we cannot always see you straight away This will help make your appointment easier. 6. A smile can always make any situation seem better.

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