Basics of Organic Chemistry. explain that there are many organic compounds because carbon atoms can form four bonds recall the formulae of methane, ethane,

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of Organic Chemistry. explain that there are many organic compounds because carbon atoms can form four bonds recall the formulae of methane, ethane,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of Organic Chemistry

2 explain that there are many organic compounds because carbon atoms can form four bonds recall the formulae of methane, ethane, propane, ethene and propene, and draw the structures of their molecules. By the end of these two pages you should be able to: C2.5.1 Targets Basics of Organic Chemistry

3 Organic




7 carbon atom hydrogen atom

8 carbon atom oxygen atom hydrogen atom

9 carbon atom oxygen atom hydrogen atom nitrogen atom

10 carbon atom oxygen atom hydrogen atom nitrogen atom

11 carbon atom oxygen atom hydrogen atom nitrogen atom sulphur atom

12 carbon atom oxygen atom hydrogen atom nitrogen atom

13 carbon atom oxygen atom hydrogen atom nitrogen atom sulphur atom all are non-metals

14 Organic Compounds CARBON

15 Organic Compounds What is so special about carbon? forms 4 bonds with other non-metals and itself so, form molecules with… chains, branches, rings of atoms

16 Organic Compounds alkanes Important families of hydrocarbons alkenes carbon atoms joined to each other by SINGLE bonds to form chains e.g. propane two of the carbon atoms in the molecule joined to each other by a DOUBLE bond e.g. butene

17 Organic Compounds Drawing simplified molecular structures C C C H H H HH H H H 1. Write the correct number of Cs in a line 2. Draw a bond between each carbon atom 3. Add enough bonds so that each C has four 4. Write an H on the end of each bond a DISPLAYED formula C3H8C3H8 a MOLECULAR formula e.g. PROPANE, an alkane in an alkane the number of Hs is always 2xCs + 2

18 Organic Compounds Drawing simplified molecular structures C C C C 1. Write the correct number of Cs in a line 2. Draw a DOUBLE bond between two of the Cs and a single bond between the other carbon atoms 3. Add enough bonds so that each C has four 4. Write an H on the end of each bond H H HH H H H H C4H8C4H8 e.g. BUTENE, an alkene in an alkene the number of Hs is always 2xCs

19 Organic Compounds Drawing simplified molecular structures C C C C 1. Write the correct number of Cs in a line 2. Draw a DOUBLE bond between two of the Cs and a single bond between the other carbon atoms 3. Add enough bonds so that each C has four 4. Write an H on the end of each bond H H HH H H H H C4H8C4H8 e.g. PENTANE, an alkane in an alkene the number of Hs is always 2xCs C

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