TEMPLATE DESIGN © 2008 www.PosterPresentations.com Mental Health and Well-Being From Literacy to Empowerment Patrick Carney, PhD., C. Psych. All might.

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Presentation on theme: "TEMPLATE DESIGN © 2008 www.PosterPresentations.com Mental Health and Well-Being From Literacy to Empowerment Patrick Carney, PhD., C. Psych. All might."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEMPLATE DESIGN © 2008 www.PosterPresentations.com Mental Health and Well-Being From Literacy to Empowerment Patrick Carney, PhD., C. Psych. All might agree that, Mental Health (MH) is an essential component of Health and Well-Being. Mental Health may be defined as ‘the emotional and spiritual resilience that enables us to enjoy life and survive pain, disappointment and sadness. It is a positive sense of wellbeing and an underlying belief in our own and others’ dignity and worth.’ Other definitions have also drawn attention to the skills, abilities and orientations involved in ‘building relationships’, ‘coping with stress’ and ‘managing change’. (http://www.mindmatters.edu)http://www.mindmatters.edu EDUCATOR MENTAL HEALTH LITERACY … the knowledge, beliefs and skills that assist educators in promoting positive student well-being, and in recognizing, preventing and/or managing mental health or substance abuse problems at school. School-Based Mental Health and Substance Abuse Consortium Dramatic Arts Class Productions Youth Leadership Forums Mental Health Week: Class Activities, Rallies NFB Films in Language Arts School Welcome Signage & Newsletters MH Literacy Workshops for all: Trustees Senior Administration Principals & Vice Principals Class Teachers Occasional Teachers Educational Assistants Resource Teachers Student Success Chaplaincy Board Consultants Safety Committee Parents Family Life Education Health and Physical Education Curriculum E-Communications ~Start Talking Simcoe County ~Mind Matters Promoting Positive Relationships Workshops Secondary MH Wellness Weeks Staff Wellness Activities Psychological Assessment and Consultation My Health E-Tool Self-Screening Social Workers, School Counsellors Intake Assessments and Weekly Support Interdisciplinary Team Process for Differentiated Learning per MH Resource Guide TOP KID intensive behaviour program involving School Counsellor, Psychologist and Educational Assistant to support school team intervention plan MENTAL HEALTH Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board, Ontario, Canada 2012-2013 3. SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING 4. PREVENTION FOR HIGH RISK GROUPS 1. STIGMA REDUCTION 6. EXTERNAL PARTNERSHIP PATHWAYS PRIORITY INITIATIVES FOR 2012/2013 2. MENTAL HEALTH PROMOTION 5. INTERNAL SUPPORT PATHWAYS FOR IDENTIFIED HIGH NEEDS STUDENTS Roots of Empathy Restorative Justice Practices E-Communications ~My Health Magazine ~Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health P.A.L.S. Playground Activity Leaders Secondary Inclusive Activity Project SIX AREAS OF FOCUS FOR SCHOOLS TO SUPPORT STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH : Suicide Response Protocols - All Staff Understanding Our Perspective ‘UP’ Project Youth Empowerment re: substance use Collaborative Problem-Solving Training Crisis Intervention Training for Anxiety Escalation & Safety Plans Kids Help Phone Promotion ABC’s of MH Web Resource -Attendance Strategy Student Support Leadership Initiative (SSLI) and COMPASS in County Coalition 211 Service Maps Single Plan Of Care Youth Justice Transition Triple P Parenting County Suicide Response Protocol Catholic Family Services Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) MH & Addictions Steering CMHA Substance Counselling Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Race Against Drugs; Truth & Consequences McMaster University Attendance Study Kinark Section 23 Classes Crown Ward Education Champion Teams Practitioner/ Pediatrician MH Collaboration Ontario Coalition for Children & Youth MH University/College Counselling Practica Working Together For Kids Mental Health Family Support Navigation Project - Parents for Children’s MH / Kinark CAMH Service Collaborative ~Mental Health Lead coordinating a deepening of MH literacy and further development in six areas of focus for Student Mental Health ~Weekly availability of School Counsellors, Social Workers and Psychologists making referrals to primary care and community Mental Health services where indicated ~MH lead continue as CoChair of COMPASS Coordinated Management plus further expansion of community collaboration per SSLI, WTFKMH, LHIN, Family Support Project and CAMH Service Collaborative ~Continue same-day response consultation for mental health crises by MH professional staff through cell phones and First Class ~Distribute new Mental Health Resource Guide throughout board along with Mental Health Literacy Workshops ~Implement revised Suicide Prevention Guidelines and Provide Refresher Training of Guidelines in Elementary Schools ~Expand Roots of Empathy for Social-Emotional Competence development ~Support Mental Health Implementation Plan for each Student Success Team ~Implement plan to pilot My Health Magazine ~Expand Restorative Justice Practices ~Expand Playground Activity Leaders in Schools (P.A.L.S.) in elementary schools ~Support Inclusive Activity Project in secondary ~McMaster University Attendance Research Integrated Knowledge Translation action ~Implement Youth Justice Transition Plan ~Promote Pediatrician Communication Tools ~Participate in Ontario Coalition for Children and Youth Mental Health ~Streamline service partnerships for MH and substance abuse counselling in Schools ~Distribute FASD Resource guide for Educators to all schools and provide SERT inservice

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