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CHEAM FIRST NATION advancing your community’s vision through strategic planning Eric Alex, Cheam First Nation Trina Wamboldt, Urban Systems Ltd. Therese.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEAM FIRST NATION advancing your community’s vision through strategic planning Eric Alex, Cheam First Nation Trina Wamboldt, Urban Systems Ltd. Therese."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEAM FIRST NATION advancing your community’s vision through strategic planning Eric Alex, Cheam First Nation Trina Wamboldt, Urban Systems Ltd. Therese Zulinick, Urban Systems Ltd.

2 CHEAM FIRST NATION our goal today  understand the value and process of strategic planning  share ideas and learn from each other  leave with some practical tips that you can apply when you return home

3 CHEAM FIRST NATION 3 three discussion topics 1.Discovering your future: consider where you are now and where you want to go 2.Weaving the pieces together: build commitment through engagement and integrated planning 3.Making it stick: overcome implementation obstacles and manage change

4 CHEAM FIRST NATION but first, let’s get acquainted

5 CHEAM FIRST NATION where are you from? 1. Northern BC 2. Central Interior 3. Okanagan 4. South Coast 5. Kootenays

6 CHEAM FIRST NATION where are you from?

7 CHEAM FIRST NATION what is the total population of your community? 1.Less than 100 members 2.100-300 members 3.300-500 members 4.500-1000 members 5.1000+ members

8 CHEAM FIRST NATION what is the total population of your community?

9 CHEAM FIRST NATION what type of work do you do? 1.Chief or Council 2.Administration 3.Government 4.Industry 5.Consultant

10 CHEAM FIRST NATION what type of work do you do?

11 CHEAM FIRST NATION what’s your level of experience with strategic planning? 1.Little to no experience 2.Some experience 3.A lot of experience

12 CHEAM FIRST NATION what’s your level of experience with strategic planning?

13 CHEAM FIRST NATION part 1 - discovering your future


15 CHEAM FIRST NATION strategic plan a road map for getting from point A to point B in a planned and purposeful manner

16 CHEAM FIRST NATION “the main objective of a strategic plan is to strengthen the decision- making process by addressing key internal and external opportunities and challenges.” Jim Pealow, Strategic Management and Accountability, AFOA

17 CHEAM FIRST NATION agree or disagree The main purpose of a strategic plan is to aid decision making 1.Yes 2.No

18 CHEAM FIRST NATION two types of strategic plans strategic plan (e.g. CCP)  long term success factors for the community  based on member’s input and values  umbrella document for other community plans or sub-strategies (land use plan, ec. dev plan, etc.) 2.organizational strategic plan  aligns financial and staff resources and activities to achieve the community’s strategic priorities

19 CHEAM FIRST NATION what’s the difference? are they both useful tools?

20 CHEAM FIRST NATION COMMUNITY STRATEGY focuses on what & why  big picture  long term  engages community  vision/values based  focused on multiple outcomes  identifies critical success factors  Informs major investments  living document ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY focuses on how and when  flows from community strategy  implementation oriented  focuses on operations  annual business plans  defined scope  project based  policies and procedures  identifies specific resources  performance indicators

21 CHEAM FIRST NATION agree or disagree Community and organizational strategies are both essential to community well-being? 1.Yes 2.No

22 CHEAM FIRST NATION Insights? Questions? Ideas? Questions to think about: -If you have a strategic plan, how well have you followed the steps of strategic planning in preparing it? -Did you base your plan on a strategic understanding of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats? -Does your organization base its activities around advancing the community’s vision? -How do you know you are succeeding in advancing your strategic vision?

23 CHEAM FIRST NATION part 2 – weaving the pieces together

24 CHEAM FIRST NATION agree or disagree? It is up to leaders to develop organizational strategies 1.Yes 2.No

25 CHEAM FIRST NATION an organizational case study  medium sized community  multiple departments with competing priorities and limited resources  staff needing to perform regular duties AND deliver additional major projects  organizational roles and responsibilities not clearly understood  no means of deciding on priority actions

26 CHEAM FIRST NATION 6 things that made their organizational strategy a success 1.aligned 2.comprehensive 3.integrated 4.objective 5.actionable 6.sustainable

27 CHEAM FIRST NATION #1 – aligned  organizational strategy was aligned with the community’s vision, values and desired outcomes  alignment achieved through  review of existing plans and strategies  consultation with community members  consultation with council  consultation with administration

28 CHEAM FIRST NATION #2 - comprehensive  identified five strategic goals 1.PEOPLE – be a great place to live 2.PLACES – be a regional economic center 3.ASSETS – reinvest in core services and infrastructure 4.ENVIRONMENT – protect the waterfront and natural assets 5.ECONOMY – bolster the economy through strategic partnerships

29 CHEAM FIRST NATION #3 - integrated  cross-departmental teams worked together to identify priorities and discuss projects  historical knowledge was shared leading to greater understanding  greater clarity of roles and responsibilities  deliberate linkage to financial plan

30 CHEAM FIRST NATION #4 - objective  a project filter was used to objectively evaluate over 30 projects based on 1.positive strategic impact on community 2.operational feasibility  projects that ranked higher were given higher priority within the strategic plan


32 #5 - actionable  projects were categorized as short, medium or long term priorities based on filter results  project briefs/work plans were completed for all short term projects outlining objectives, context, required resources (staff, costs), risks, & next steps

33 CHEAM FIRST NATION #6 - sustainable  the strategic plan is reviewed and updated annually during the budget process  It is easy to see whether progress towards organizational outcomes is being achieved  strategic plan revisited after each election to ensure it reflects the priorities and commitments of each new Council

34 CHEAM FIRST NATION insights questions ideas Questions to think about: -How well aligned are your organizational activities with the community’s vision and priorities? -Who should be involved in identifying organizational priorities? -What process is used to make decisions? -How realistic is your strategic plan – do you have the people and money to achieve your goals? -Do you have a process for measuring results – individual and organizational?

35 CHEAM FIRST NATION part 3 - making it stick  how leaders can overcome barriers and lead people through strategic change

36 CHEAM FIRST NATION “Leadership may have developed the most ingenious strategy ever, but it means nothing if it doesn’t get done.” Jim Pealow, Strategic Management and Accountability, AFOA


38 our team

39 CHEAM FIRST NATION Lets'emó:t (one mind) integrity humility fairness

40 CHEAM FIRST NATION strategic planning and the SWOT – story with our truth

41 CHEAM FIRST NATION cross pollination of traditional and European influences Chief Harry Edwards, born 1885

42 CHEAM FIRST NATION governance principles The People | The Land | Laws and Jurisdiction | Institutions | Resources

43 CHEAM FIRST NATION visionskillsincentivesresources action plan motivated change

44 CHEAM FIRST NATION managing complex change +skills+incentive+resources+action plan = confusion vision++incentive+resources+action plan = anxiety vision+skills+incentive+resources+ = false starts vision+skills+incentive++action plan = frustration vision+skills++resources+action plan = gradual change vision+skills+incentive+resources+action plan = CHANGE

45 CHEAM FIRST NATION principles rooted in tradition  We seek to enhance our ability to champion these rights as Sxoxomes (gifts) and onus of responsibilities to them and our Tomiyeqw (seven generations past and future).  Xólhemet te mekw'stam S’i:wes te selsila:lh chet “take care of everything our great grandparents taught (showed) us” not only the S’ólh Téméxw (land) but the Sqwélqwel (family history) and the Shweli (life force, spirit) so closely connect to the S’ólh Téméxw.

46 CHEAM FIRST NATION GROUP DISCUSSION what can get in the way of achieving your strategic plan?

47 CHEAM FIRST NATION obstacles to taking action 1.Doing something requires… doing something. 2.Doing means learning. Learning means mistakes. 3.Have no fear. 4.A decision by itself changes nothing. 5.Why do we do it that way? 6.What do I do? When do I get started?

48 CHEAM FIRST NATION insights questions ideas Questions to think about: -what does the community want from leadership? -what are we trying to accomplish? -how do we grow our community to create positive lasting change? -what do we wish to leave in the past as we change or become change agents? -what changes have to happen? -what are the pitfalls to avoid along the way? -how do we successfully change together?

49 CHEAM FIRST NATION Thank you! Eric Alex, Cheam First Nation: 604.794.7924 ext.105 Trina Wamboldt, Urban Systems: 250.374.8311 Therese Zulinick, Urban Systems 250.374.8311

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