CULTURAL SERVICES RESOURCE REALLOCATION REVIEW. What’s it about? Background Objectives Outcome Approach taken Comparison of spending profile 2003-2007.

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2 What’s it about? Background Objectives Outcome Approach taken Comparison of spending profile 2003-2007 Present position Further proposals Outcome General Fund Efficiency savings

3 WHAT’S IT ABOUT? Finding money from existing budgets to meet need to spend on: - planned maintenance of Leisure, Museums and Arts buildings - renewal of fixtures and fittings - parks/open spaces infrastructure - playgrounds Cultural Services comprises: - Leisure, Museums and Arts - Parks and Open Spaces

4 BACKGROUND Best Value Review of Cultural Services 2003: £8.7m (net) investment needed over 10 years 3-year cashable efficiency targets set by Government Comprehensive Spending Review Cash efficiency targets required by annual Council budget process Additional target of £200,000 per annum savings set by Chief Executive from 2008/09

5 OBJECTIVES Meet 10-year spending needs by: - reallocating resources within existing budgets - generating additional income Provide sustainable funding for spending needs beyond 10 years

6 OUTCOME OF REVIEW Backlog could be reduced: 2003 - £8.7million 2008 - £1.4million But risk of savings having to be applied to meet General Fund cash efficiency demands

7 APPROACH Officer review group Rigorous reassessment of spending needs - focus on essential, not desirable, work Protect existing facilities and services Review Management structures Engage Managers in process: - set clear objectives - use their first-hand knowledge of budgets - imaginative approach to trading operations (e.g Turkish Baths) Temporary post of Business Review Manager to work with Operations Managers (support, challenge, generate ideas)

8 COMPARISON OF NET SPENDING BACKLOGS 2003-2007 2003: £8.7m 2007: £4m Reductions due to: - work completed (Nidderdale Pool/Turkish Baths) - concentration on essential, not desirable, works - playground inspections - ongoing facilities inspections - savings/capital receipts beginning to feed into Cultural Services Reserve (or “Leisure Fund”)

9 PRESENT POSITION (2007/08) £m 10-year Spending Needs Buildings4.3 Parks infrastructure1.9 Playgrounds0.26.4 lessReserves *1.8 Sinking Funds0.4 Other0.22.4 Net spending need4.0 * Annual contribution to reserve profiled over 10 years

10 FURTHER PROPOSALS Leisure, Museums and Arts Proposals to generate additional £205,000 per annum Proposals comprise options for: - income generation - savings - minor reductions in service

11 FURTHER PROPOSALS Proposals could cover 10-year spending needs Funding £ million Spending needed £ million 10-year spending needs Potential Funding Reserve Sinking Funds/Other 3.1 0.4 3.4 Total3.53.4

12 FURTHER PROPOSALS Parks Efficiency savings/limited service reduction generate £27,000 per annum Other options represent significant service cuts – not recommended Leaves funding gap of £1.4 million Funding £ million Spending needed £ million 10-year spending needs Potential Funding Reserve Sinking Funds/Other 1.1 0.2 2.7 Total1.32.7

13 GENERAL FUND EFFICIENCY SAVINGS Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 - 3% per annum cashable efficiency savings 2008-11 Council General Fund Budget pressures 2009-10 onwards Level of future cash efficiency savings required? Risk – resources generated by review may be diverted from buildings/facilities investment into balancing budget

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