St Helens LA Primary School Update Session 16 October 2008 Ruth Walker & Lisa Ruth.

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Presentation on theme: "St Helens LA Primary School Update Session 16 October 2008 Ruth Walker & Lisa Ruth."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Helens LA Primary School Update Session 16 October 2008 Ruth Walker & Lisa Ruth

2 Making the Link – Harrington Hill

3 SIMS - Raising Standards 25% increase in Level 5 SATS scores 2004 – 2007 “The Information we hold in SIMS not only helps us to monitor and provide appropriate support for the children, but also to engage with parents in a more details and meaningful way” Harry Weightman, Head, Easington Colliery Primary School, Durham

4 SIMS - Raising Standards 12% increase in Level 4+ SATS scores 2004 - 2007 “Pupil performance data from SIMS is ‘mission critical’ for leading the school’s improvement programme” Greg Marsden, Head, Lisle Marsden Primary School, NE Lincolnshire

5 Tracking Pupil Progress in Primary Schools Natasha Marsh Primary Sector Product Manager

6 Tracking Children - Norbury

7 Why Track Progress?  Provides a focus for professional dialogue to support assessment for learning and personalised learning;  Enables targeted mapping of intervention to support pupil learning;  Provides evidence of the impact of actions on progress and strengthens the accountability of teachers and head teachers. (From ‘The Improving Schools Programme (ISP): supporting schools to secure the progress of all learners’ leaflet, Primary National Strategy, March 2008, Ref. 00148-2008-LEF-EN.)

8 New Assessment Features  Tracking Progress Marksheet Templates  Additional Group filters with multiple filtering;  Graphing Grade Distribution in Marksheets;  Applying Nested if then Else to another column;  Opening Marksheets from Template;  Pupil Tracking Grids;  Automatic Upgrade and Installation of AMPARK Resources.  Primary Curriculum: teaching groups

9 Tracking Progress Marksheet Templates Provided from May 2008 for optional automatic installation, for tracking pupil progress:  Templates for Years 1 – 6 in Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, Maths, Science.  English Templates for Years 1 – 6 that aggregate Speaking & Listening, Reading and Writing  Templates for Years 3 – 6 to check comparative progress in English and Maths (England only).  A Template to summarise year on year progress.  Templates to convert Y2 and Y6 teacher assessments to KS1 and KS2 validated results.


11 RAISEOnline Filters

12 Marksheet Filtering

13 Multiple filters with Include or Exclude Include Exclude

14 Save a Filter  Save a filter selection with a user defined name;  Apply saved filters to a Marksheet;  Still be able to apply filter directly to a Marksheet and save, as now.

15 New Filters  First Language  Year Group (All Years)  Free School Meals  Gender  SEN Status  English as an Additional Language  Looked After  Gifted/Talented  Asylum Status  Traveller Status  Term of Birth  Academic Year of Admission  Prior Attainment Band  Boarder Status (Independent Schools only)  User Defined Fields  Multiple Include / Exclude  Saving Filters

16 Graphing Grade Distribution

17 Apply Nested if then else colour to an additional column

18 ISP Pupil Tracking Grids

19 Pupil Tracking Grids SIMS Pupil Tracking Grids will enable teachers to visually establish whether pupils are on target, or need intervention to enable them to fulfill their potential.  Tracking Grids can be populated once teacher assessments are entered in the Tracking Progress Marksheets;  They can be cloned and customised for use with other templates;  Options to select the type of grid and the subject, and customise the grid layout;  Types of grid include termly tracking, yearly tracking and tracking current against KS1 results.  The functionality to create these Grids will also be available for advanced users in any School phase.

20 Demonstration

21 New Handbook  A new handbook, Tracking Pupil Progress in Primary Schools, describes how to use the new Assessment features and Tracking Grids.  A description of each SIMS Tracking Grid is provided in the appendix to this handbook.








29 Primary Curriculum Allows primary schools to: Create Teaching Groups from combined Registration Groups; View Assessment data while allocating pupils; Filter marksheets by teaching groups. Benefits:  Create Marksheets and Reports for these Groups;  Makes group allocations easier;  Track progress of target groups.

30 Primary Curriculum



33 Reporting to Parents

34 Easington Colliery School

35 Spaldwick Primary School


37 Road Map 2008

38 The last 12 months  Microsoft SQL Server Migration  FMS Migration  P7 Conversion  New Home Page  Primary Curriculum  Cover 7  Attendance 7  SIMS Learning Gateway 2  Tracking Resources in Assessment  Teachers View  FMS electronic ordering/invoicing  Partnership Xchange

39 Primary Curriculum Allows primary schools to: Create Teaching Groups from combined Registration Groups; View Assessment data while allocating pupils; Filter marksheets by teaching groups. Benefits:  Create Marksheets and Reports for these Groups;  Makes group allocations easier;  Track progress of target groups.

40 Primary Curriculum




44 June 2008

45  Attendance  Locking down the statutory codes to ensure only this set can be used  Document Management Server  School administrators can make a ‘confidential’ or ‘public’ document private even though not the owner  Private documents can be viewed by school administrators  Date document added will be visible

46 August 2008

47 Assessment Manager  Improvements to support Primary Use of Assessment  Auto install and update of AMPARK resources  Further new marksheet filters  Pre-installed pupil tracking grids

48 August 2008  Attendance  Changes to academic year creation  Attendance letters  Archiving routines  School Workforce Autumn Return 2008

49 November 2008

50  Assessment Manager  Data entry cell colour to change (Nested If Then)  Ability to copy/paste formulae  Ability to edit/change Result sets  Ability for teachers to add columns on the fly  Personnel  Ability to bulk update data  Ability to bulk assign staff to training events  School Census Spring Return 2009

51 Assessment Manager Marksheet to Calculate on Data Entry

52 AM7 Marksheet Insert Notes Columns

53 November 2008  Alerts  Ability to send to one or more recipients  Ability to send to people associated with a pupil  Ability to send by role – eg HOY  Scheduled reports “last or future x days”  Reminders enhanced to include Missing Register and Extra Names in Lesson Monitor  STAR  Homepage enhancements to include –  Assessment data  Behaviour and achievement data  Drilldown on attendance data to individual students  Automatic refresh on homepage  Date ranges for Attendance, behaviour and achievement data

54  SIMS Alerts….  Ability to send to a group of people  Ability to send to people associated with a pupil  Schedule reports – last X days  Message by email  Attendance Alerts  Missing registers Alert  First period of absence report Roadmap - August 2008

55  Review  Show all text written for student.  Check  Spell Check.  Edit text.  Add own comments in Pastoral Overview Area.  Approve  Mark report as approved.  Notify teacher of Non Approved reports via Alerts.  Run a report to list Non Approved Sections Profiles 7 Senior Manager’s Checking Screen

56 Profiles 7 Checking Screen

57 Showing multiple teachers

58 Teacher Pupil View


60 Road Map 2009

61 Release Dates 2009  Main Releases  2 nd March  17 th June  19 th October  Update Release  17 th April  17 th August  17 th December

62 March 2009

63 Priorities 2009/10 1.Significantly reduce the hassle factors 2.Complete the move 3.Ensure that SIMS is the tool for teachers & leaders 4.Expand the facilities available through SIMS Learning Gateway

64 Resources and Statutory FMS 21 st Century Trading Enhancements CFR 09/10 Personnel Next of Kin School Workforce Census Statutory Returns PLASC Post 16 Census School Workforce Attendance Ret CTF 9.0 Fees Billing Enhancements

65 Performance and Curriculum Options 7 Move Pupil Web Part Review Course Manager Extended Services Diary event Attendance Performance Exams Primary Review Partnership xChange SEN data Behaviour and Achievement FE / Work based

66 Core, Attendance and eLearning STAR Core Senior Leadership Dashboard Dynamic User Defined Gps SEN SIMS Learning Gateway Governors Enhancements Options Partnership Xchange Technical System 7 Reporting Deployment Teachers Tools Tabbing Homepage

67 March 2009  Academic Management  Alternative Curriculum  School Census Summer Return 2009  School Workforce Census Summer Return 2009  System Manager 7  Base release  Enhancement project for Behaviour, Achievement, Detentions & Report Card

68 Assessment Profiles

69 Add Names to Dictionary

70 Marksheet Enhancements  Additional Information Fields  Chronological Age on Marksheet  Ability to add more than one data column at a time  Revise order of additional Categories  Copy / paste facility for contextual fields into an Aspect  Supervisor’s (Teacher’s) Name on Marksheet title bar  Button to add favourite Marksheets to homepage  Marksheet Screen to fill the whole of the screen  Global narrow column setting  Link from Pupil name to new Pupil Summary Screen  Option to ‘Calculate on data entry’

71 Option to Calculate on Data Entry

72 Ability to add more than one additional data column at a time

73 Global narrow column setting

74 Copy / paste facility for contextual fields into an Aspect

75 Import Enhancements  Matching Student button to remain open  ‘Overwrite with Defaults’ option for Assessment  ‘Overwrite with Defaults’ option for Analysis Export Enhancements  Exporting using ASRU  Option to bulk export ‘Unformatted’ marksheets  Suppress duplicate marksheets

76 Export Marksheet as Raw Data Only

77 Further Information Available… Viewlets downloads/demos.asp Quick Reference Guides ‘ Achievement’ Magazine

78 Statutory Returns & Resources Autumn 2008

79 School Workforce Census 34 Pilot LAs 2008  Barnsley  Bedfordshire  Birmingham  Blackpool  Bradford  Bromley  Buckinghamshire  Bury  Calderdale  Cornwall  Darlington  Derbyshire  Ealing  East Riding of Yorkshire  Essex  Islington  Kensington and Chelsea  Lancashire  Leicestershire  Middlesbrough  Northamptonshire  Northumberland  Nottinghamshire  Sheffield  Solihull  South Gloucestershire  Southampton  Southwark  Swindon  Tameside  Wakefield  Walsall  Wigan  Wolverhampton



82 What data will be collected Staff details module Basic identifiers and characteristics (eg name, gender, NI number) plus details of QT or HLTA status. Contract / Service Agreement module Describes the type of contract or service agreement, plus details of pay and hours worked. Incorporates dates of service and codes for origin and destination. Absence module (does not apply to centrally employed staff) For teachers and TAs, each absence, the type of the absence (includes training), the first and last day and the number of working days lost. Curriculum module Details of curriculum subjects being taught by teachers and TAs in secondary and middle deemed secondary schools with computerised timetable systems that interface to their MIS. Qualification module Details of qualifications at NQF level 4 or higher for teachers and TAs working in maths and science.

83 What data will be collected Vacancies module One entry for each vacancy at the school on the day of the January Census. Slightly wider definition than 618g – vacancies that have tried to fill. Staff Information module Headcount of teachers on occasional service on the day of the January Census. Split between staff with QTS, those without QTS and those where QTS is not known. Headcount of support staff not directly employed by a school or LA in working at the school on the day of the January Census, split by roles in role code list.

84 What data in which Census CensusSnapshot DataContinuous Data SpringStaff Details and Contract / Service Agreement modules Teacher vacancies and headcounts of occasional teachers and agency support staff Staff Details and non-pay Contract / Agreement modules for contracts with start or end dates in previous term Absence on Census day Absence data for previous year SummerNoneStaff Details and non-pay Contract / Agreement modules for contracts with start or end dates in previous term AutumnStaff Details Qualifications for all teachers and TAs working in maths & science Curriculum for teachers and TAs in secondary schools Staff Details and non-pay Contract / Agreement modules for contracts with start or end dates in previous term

85 Suggested timings for key tasks 20092008 Pilot Authorities2009 Authorities Jan  Collection of data from all schools  First collection of absence data  Collection of data on centrally employed staff from LAs  Collection of data from at least 10% or 10 schools  Collection of data on centrally employed staff from LAs  Training  All schools start recording absence data May  Collection of data from all schools (prior term updates)  Collection of data on centrally employed staff from LAs (prior term updates)  Data from at least 10% or 10 schools (prior term updates only)  Data on centrally employed staff from LAs (prior term updates only) Sept  All schools in all LAs participate, providing data on curriculum, qualifications and prior term updates  Data on centrally employed staff from LAs (curriculum, qualifications and prior term updates)

86  All information accurate and centrally recorded.  Information can be used for budgetary and financial planning  MIS can be used as an internal training log (CPD common professional development).  Can provide accurate and complete information for OFSTED.  The Department can plan policies around actual events, this will feed through to benefit schools over time. Benefits to Schools

87 DCSF conclusion  On the whole the collection went well  Most authorities managed to supply the data onto COLLECT  Overall the quality of the data is good.

88 FMS eProcurement

89 Demonstration

90 OPEN - Start Shopping

91 OPEN Searching and ordering items

92 OPEN - Shopping Cart

93 OPEN – Creating Requisition

94 Importing into FMS

95 DCSF “Field Trial” Autumn 2008  DCSF nominated Local Authorities  East Sussex  North Somerset  Sandwell  45 schools  Functionality activated by a licence patch

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