BIENNIAL BUDGET SYSTEM TRAINING 2012-13. Logging into the Budget Information System (BIS) ficro02 xxxxxx.

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Presentation on theme: "BIENNIAL BUDGET SYSTEM TRAINING 2012-13. Logging into the Budget Information System (BIS) ficro02 xxxxxx."— Presentation transcript:


2 Logging into the Budget Information System (BIS) ficro02 xxxxxx

3 Changing Your Password To change your password, click ‘Utilities—Password’ Password should be between 5 & 8 alpha-numeric characters Should not = user ID

4 General Functionality Menus - Previous Menu List Options Online Help Exit

5 Getting Started BBS Task list −Found in the BBS Users Manual, page 6 ‾Suggests key reports to validate the data BBS Reporting −Standard BBS Reports −see the users manual for instructions

6 Program Maintenance Agency Program Structure Deleting a program— highlight and X Use caution—you can’t undo this operation


8 Organization Maintenance Agency Organization Structure




12 Appropriation Maintenance Appropriation Maintenance Screen To add an appropriation: Click on the Add button Enter name, fund, type, program In the FY block: enter the org, unit, and legal cite Use the Copy button to copy down to the other fiscal years

13 Allotment Maintenance Allotment Maintenance Screen To add an allotment: Click on the Add button Enter the name In the FY block: enter the allt org, kind, and program information Use the Copy button to copy down to the other fiscal years

14 BBS Narratives BBS documents are system generated based on program structure Agencies can add their own documentation if desired Document order can be changed by the agency For complete instructions, see the BBS user manual or the Clerical Instructions at:

15 Budgeting at the Appropriation Level Appropriation Budgeting Screen Base Maintenance Screen Click on the Load button Edits may be necessary on some dollar amounts Distributing Expenditures Click on the Distribute button See the BBS user manual for instructions on how to enter a new object class

16 Transfers In/Out To transfer funds IN, start from the appropriation where the funds will be expended Click on the Transfers In line to highlight it, then click Details The Transfer OUT transaction is automatically completed by the system

17 Dedicated Receipts Click on Dedicated Receipt line to highlight Click the Details button to see the receipt data The FY Data button brings you to the fiscal year/program data for the receipt

18 Base Adjustments Base Adjustment Screen Adding a base adjustment Click the Base Adj button Enter a description, category, and dollar amounts Distribute to the expense budget level

19 Nondedicated Revenue Budgeting Nondedicated receipt screen To add a nondedicated receipt: Enter the revenue source code in a blank line Enter dollar amounts in the appropriate fiscal years Be sure to enter fiscal year data

20 Important dates:Important dates: −July 26 BBS closed for initial load −Aug. 9 BBS reopened −Aug. 30 Agency budget narratives due (profile, program/activity) −Aug. 20 BBS closed for second load FY 2010 actual and current FY 2011 data reloaded from MAPS −Aug. 30 BBS reopened −Oct. 15 Agency BASE budgets due

21 QUESTIONS?? Contact: Mary Crosson (651)201-8042 Tara Barenok (651)201-8035

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