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Scientific Method by Hunter  Observing a Peanut.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method by Hunter  Observing a Peanut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method by Hunter  Observing a Peanut

2 State the Problem  Can I find my peanut in a basket?

3 Formulate Your Hypothesis  I will be able to find my peanut.

4 Identify and Control the Variables  The peanuts have a number on them and there are 18 peanuts in a basket.

5 Test Your Hypothesis We each got a peanut and we put it in a basket and saw if we could find our peanut.

6 Collect Your Data We collected that most of us found our peanut.

7 Interpret Your Data  It is brown and gray 2 and a half cm 1 meat and it has a crack.

8 State Your conclusion  My conclusion is that I did find my peanut.

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