Alien Diplomatic Ghastly Humane Mortal Planetary Satellite tranquil.

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Presentation on theme: "Alien Diplomatic Ghastly Humane Mortal Planetary Satellite tranquil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alien Diplomatic Ghastly Humane Mortal Planetary Satellite tranquil

2 Complete Meaning, POS, examples, and visual---  Alien (adj.)- Foreign, abnormal (n.) a foreigner, an outsider Not all science fiction is about alien beings, but hundreds have featured beings from another planet.  Diplomatic (adj.) Describes one who keeps peaceful relationships, considerately Sometimes visitors from outer space are on a diplomatic mission to Earth, and wish to make friendships with Earthlings

3 Complete Meaning, POS, examples, and visual---  Ghastly (adj.)- ghostlike; very unpleasant The Worf in Star Trek is a ghastly being at first glance. However, fans seem to love his frightful appearance.  Humane (adj.) Possessing the best qualities of human beings; kind The actress played the role of the kind, or humane, nurse.

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