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International Civil Aviation Organization Roles of an RSOO in the Management of Safety Information and/or Data John Illson Chief, Integrated Safety Management.

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Presentation on theme: "International Civil Aviation Organization Roles of an RSOO in the Management of Safety Information and/or Data John Illson Chief, Integrated Safety Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Civil Aviation Organization Roles of an RSOO in the Management of Safety Information and/or Data John Illson Chief, Integrated Safety Management Section Regional Safety Oversight Organizations Symposium 28 October 2011

2 ISM Safety Initiatives Safety Analysis – iSTARS – Evolving Safety Analysis Tools Safety Monitoring – Benefits of information sharing – Supporting Continuous Safety Improvement Safety Policy – Safety Management Annex – Safety Information Protection Implementation – Runway Safety Programme Overview of ISM Activities 2RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

3 iSTARS & ICAO Data Analysis Tools Safety Analysis 3RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

4 Expanding Safety Analysis Capabilities 4 RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

5 Evolving Safety Analysis Capabilities 5RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

6 Information Sharing Safety Monitoring 6RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

7 7 The Benefits of Information Sharing Aggregation – The combination of multiple like data sources – Enhances data quality & increases sample sizes to identify emerging safety issues – Enables comparative benchmarking analyses to determine best practices RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

8 8 The Benefits of Information Sharing Efficiency – Information sharing can reduce or eliminate duplication of effort – Proven synergies related to safety audit practices – Operational savings realized through proactive use of shared information RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

9 A State’s Safety “DNA” Safety DNA composed of USOAP “genes” indicating:  Areas of applicability  Effective Implementation  Safety Deficiencies 9RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

10 A State’s Safety “DNA” Targeted improvement in Air Navigation Services Targeted improvement in Operations 10RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

11 Collaborative Improvement 11 Significant potential to improve safety through collaboration and information sharing Aerodrome Air Navigation Accident Investigation Airworthiness Operations Pers Licensing Legislation USOAP Areas Organization RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

12 Protecting Safety Information Safety Policy 12RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

13 13 Protecting Safety Information Issue: – Shared information must be used for the promotion of safety, not for inappropriate purposes Expected outcome: – The Safety Information Protection Task Force is developing enhanced standards & recommended practices consistent with safety management practices RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

14 Safety Management Update 14 19 Safety Management Revised Safety Management Manual will be published in 2012 New Safety Annex (19) – Annex proposed to ANC in April 2012 (Nov 2013 applicability) – Will contain guidance on the collection, analysis and exchange of safety data /information RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

15 Regional Runway Safety Initiatives Implementation 15RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

16 Runway Safety Overview Accidents & Related Fatalities by Occurrence Categories Scheduled Commercial Traffic – MTOW > 2 250 kg (Yrs 2006- 2010 ) 16RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

17 ICAO Runway Safety Programme A-37 Assembly Resolution calling upon States to: − Take measures to enhance runway safety through multi-disciplinary Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) −The Global Runway Safety Symposium and Regional Runway Safety Seminars will promote establishment of RSTs 17RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

18 18 Regional Runway Safety Seminars PROPOSED DATELOCATIONSTATE CO-HOST INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION CO-HOST 2011: 12 – 14 OctMiamiUS FAAIFATCA 2012: 08 MarAmsterdamEUROCONTROLATC Global / CANSO 26 MarBaliIndonesiaFSF / AAPA 15 – 17 MayAmmanIATA JulBrazilANACCANSO AugManilaIATA Oct / NovCape TownCANSO 2013: MarWestern Africa (TBA)ACI JunEurope (TBA)EUROCONTROLIATA AugAsia Pacific (TBA)AAPA / IATA SepEurope (TBA)EUROCONTROLIATA RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

19 19 THANK YOU RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

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