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 Welcome:  Rhonda Velasquez – AUL  Misty Mattyshock – UL  Susan Pannett – UL  Sharon Tovar Davis – Candidate  Raquel Flores – Candidate  Julieanne.

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome:  Rhonda Velasquez – AUL  Misty Mattyshock – UL  Susan Pannett – UL  Sharon Tovar Davis – Candidate  Raquel Flores – Candidate  Julieanne."— Presentation transcript:

1  Welcome:  Rhonda Velasquez – AUL  Misty Mattyshock – UL  Susan Pannett – UL  Sharon Tovar Davis – Candidate  Raquel Flores – Candidate  Julieanne Lopez – Candidate  Heather Allen - Candidate

2  Excellent Online Training  Avon meetings with DM  New recruit meetings  Advise and tips from upline

3  Direct Sales to customers…  Erep (online) Get orders from family and friends who live out of town. Find websites to advertise on: Merchant Circle, Craigslist…etc.  Fundraisers : Schools, Dance Schools, Sports Teams, Non-profit organizations etc.  Parties: have a few friends and showcase avon products and show demos. Share the Avon opportunity

4  Helpers, girlfriends, family, offer discount on their products if they bring you orders.  Referrals – ask customers to refer their friends who may like avon and offer discount coupon on next purchase.  Recruiting – Earn bonuses on signing and mentoring new recruits.  Table at events found locally: Such as craft fairs – street fairs. Partner with another friend and work your table – recruiting and finding new customers with drawings!

5  The importance of brochures…  If you get to few…will you be stingy?  If you get more you can send some to work with friends and family.  Catalogs / brochures are the life of your business. Do you want only 10 stores or 40 stores?  If you don’t have books, how can you sell Avon? BUY BOOKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS..

6  See flyer handout – discuss- Misty Figure out your totals sales and increase by ordering demos to bring up to the next price point. $25 can change your earnings!

7 Benefits of Presidents club: 40 % in earnings for an entire year regardless of how much your sales are in any given campaign. 3 Demos out of the “What’s New” Extra earnings up to 45% on price point items. Formal Banquet in the early summer for all in the Presidents Club and up. Chance to win prizes and recognition! President’s Club Achievers  Rhonda  Misty  Janie Gaitan Presidents club starts in campaign 8 and continues for a year until campaign 7 of the next year. You have a year to earn 10,200 in total sales.

8  Avon evaluates your account and your credit line will increase as the regularity and size of your orders increase. Your credit line can grow to $600 maybe more. If you are xtagged and you are placing regular orders you will get the xtag removed more quickly with regular orders that are paid for in a timely manner.  If you neglect to turn in an order you will be off in your books. You purchase books 2 campaigns ahead with your demos. You will be behind in receiving info from Avon such as the “What’s new” and items on special promotion.  Don’t forget that as you place your current order, you can always order from the books that are two campaigns back. You toggle the campaign on the order form.

9  You can pay your account any time that you have received the money from your customers. Don’t hang on to $100 dollars in your purse as chances are you may spend it in the 2 week period you are collecting. If you spend it you won’t have the needed payment. Having your own bank account for Avon is key. It is best to keep your Avon account separate from your personal banking.  If you don’t pay on your account balance before you place your next order your account will go on hold. You must have a -0- balance before you can place any order! Avon protects you from going into debt. If you pay your bill you will be able to continue to make money. If you use the money you will only be able to make the one small amount. Business over….

10  Leadership is when you find someone to recruit.  With 5 recruits you become a unit leader  As a unit leader your group as a whole must sell $1200 a campaign. Which isn’t hard if everyone is placing an order of some kind!  As a unit leader you earn a percentage of the sales from everyone in your downline.  With Avon’s new Believe in your Success bonus promotion you can receive $25. for every new recruit X 6 campaigns. If they are placing orders on time, paying their bills, and the 2-6 orders are above $125 you will receive $25 for every qualifying order! Earning possibility! $150.  Mentor your new recruits and be there to answer their questions.

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