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Integumentary System.

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Presentation on theme: "Integumentary System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integumentary System


3 Skin (Integument) External body covering Functions Layers Insulation
Protects Prevents water loss Temperature regulator Vitamin D Senses Layers Epidermis, dermis

4 Layers of the Epidermis
Stratum corneum-dead cells Stratum lucidum -thin layer of flat, dead keratinocytes Stratum granulosum -flattened cells; lamellated granules Stratum spinosum-cells rapidly divide stratum basale -actively dividing; contain melanocytes


6 Dermis Between dermis and subcutaneous layer
Dense irregular connective tissue Layers Papillary layer -areolar connective tissue; fingerprints (epidermal ridges); touch receptors (meissner’s corpuscles) Dermal papillae-attach dermis to epidermis Reticular layer -deepest; dense irregular connective tissue; sweat, sebaceous glands, pressure receptors (Pacinian corpuscles)


8 Hypodermis Below integument Stabilizes Deposits of fat

9 Hair Protects Protection of openings Sensitive to touch
Hair follicle -dense connective tissue sheath; produces nonliving hair Hair root -lower part of hair; attached to skin Hair shaft -upper part; not attached Arrector pili muscle -muscle attached to hair follicle

10 Cutaneous glands Sebaceous glands -lubricates skin (oil and sweat) Eccrine glands -perspiration Apocrine glands -found in armpits and genital areas; produce odor

11 Human scalp

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