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Reviewing Linear Equations. Write the slope and y-intercept for each equation. y = -3x + 7 y = 6x – 5 y = x – 1/2 y = -3/4 x.

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewing Linear Equations. Write the slope and y-intercept for each equation. y = -3x + 7 y = 6x – 5 y = x – 1/2 y = -3/4 x."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewing Linear Equations

2 Write the slope and y-intercept for each equation. y = -3x + 7 y = 6x – 5 y = x – 1/2 y = -3/4 x

3 Write the equation that corresponds with the given information. Slope: 2y-intercept: 3 Slope: -4y-intercept: -1 Slope: -2/3y-intercept: 1/3 Slope: 1y-intercept: -2

4 Write an equation for each set of points. (3, 4) (7, 12) (1, 1) (2, 3) (6, 5) (7, -3) (-1, 2) (4, -2)

5 Write the slope and y-intercept of the graph. #1

6 Write the slope and y-intercept for the graph. #2

7 Write the equation for the graph. #1

8 Write the equation for the graph. #2

9 Write the equation for the graph. #3

10 Write the equation for the graph. #4

11 Read the problem and solve it. Collin is following in his moms footsteps and becoming a real estate agent. Like most agents, he makes a 3% commission, but he has no base salary. What will he earn if he sells a home for $450,000?

12 Read the problem and solve it. Christian decides to become an agent representing a certain DJ. He makes 5% of that DJs income, as well as a yearly salary of $40,000. What would the DJ need to earn if Christian hopes to earn $100,000 a year?

13 Read the problem and solve it. Molly is opening an Irish dance studio. Her monthly rent on the studio space is $2000. Her average monthly utility bill is $430. And, she is spending $500 a month in advertising. If she charges $30 per class, how many clients will need to attend one class per week in order for Molly to break even? (Assume 4 weeks in a month.)

14 Read the problem and solve it. Brianna i

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