“AN IDEA FOR INNOVATIVE COMPANY” Competition – Incubation – Financing – Growth Tomasz Wiśniewski Edinburgh, 05 – 07 October 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "“AN IDEA FOR INNOVATIVE COMPANY” Competition – Incubation – Financing – Growth Tomasz Wiśniewski Edinburgh, 05 – 07 October 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 “AN IDEA FOR INNOVATIVE COMPANY” Competition – Incubation – Financing – Growth Tomasz Wiśniewski Edinburgh, 05 – 07 October 2005

2 Regional stakeholders involved in the definition of the Action Plan, according to PROMOTOR + approach. At the beginning of preparations for the competition for NTBF there are selected following personalities representing scientific and entrepreneurial environment of Lower Silesia Region. The main stakeholders in Lower Silesia are:  Wroclaw University of Technology  University of Wroclaw The Agricultural University of Wroclaw  Wroclaw University of Economy  Wroclaw Municipal Office  Marshall Office of Lower Silesia Voivodship  Bank Zachodni WBK S. A.  Wroclaw Technology Park  CMM - Consulting Marketing Management sp. z o.o.  "Wyborcza" newspaper  Radio ESKA  Polish Television (an outlet in Wroclaw)

3 Participants The competition is open for all citizens of Lower Silesia Region without limitations. Organisers are especially interested in participation people involved in science: Universities employees, Universities employees, National Science Academy Institutes, National Science Academy Institutes, Research - Development Units Research - Development Units Students and graduates. Students and graduates. The competition is also addressed to entrepreneurs and employees of companies who have an idea for establishing the new business.

4 Conception: Project consists of two modules: the competition of business plans and the investment forum. The Business Plan Competition: Arrangement of the two - stage competition of ideas and the business plans for innovative firm. Stage I - "Ideas” In frames of competition there are following actions foreseen:  Publishing and the distribution of brochure "An Idea for Innovative Company”,  Promotion campaign in local medias action,  Organization of seminar " An Idea for Innovative Company”,  Collecting the proposals,  Calling the Expert’s Panel and the Committee,  Opinion of ideas by the Expert’s Panel,  Choice of 30 the best ideas by Committee,  Announcement of results of Stage I.

5 Stage II - "Business plans” In frames of this stage there are following actions foreseen:  Providing for the winners of Stage I, the professional training in range of starting the company and law and economic aspects of running it.  Providing the advisory help: the study of business plans, legal and financial aspects of running the business, gaining the capital for development,  Preparation of presentation of business plans to “Investment Forum”,  Collecting the business plans,  Opinion the business plans by the Expert’s Panel,  The choice the best the business plans by Committee,  Announcement of results of Stage II,  Rewarding the laureates of competition: - office facilities in Wroclaw Technological Park. - office facilities in Wroclaw Technological Park. - providing trainings and the advisory help in range of running the - providing trainings and the advisory help in range of running the business and gaining the funds for development). business and gaining the funds for development). - financial rewards gained from the sponsors (Municipal Office and the - financial rewards gained from the sponsors (Municipal Office and the local bank) local bank)

6 Business Plans are awarded in two categories: open (no limits participation) open (no limits participation) student (student business plans) student (student business plans) The proposal can be awarded only in one category.

7 Investment Forum The laureates of competition are to be invited to close meeting with organisations and companies investing in businesses in different phase of development. The most desirable are representatives of funds: - Venture and Seed Capital - Business Angels The aim of forum is presenting by laureates of competition their business plans to potential investors. After every presentation there will be time for questions and discussion. For laureates of competition it will be the great opportunity of verification their ideas, and on the other hand for investors it will be an opportunity to meet in short time the best projects chosen in the competition.

8 Expected results The organisers expect, that in result of project there will be created several new technology based firms in a type of start-up, spin-off. The organisers expect, that in result of project there will be created several new technology based firms in a type of start-up, spin-off. The result of the project will be rising the consciousness in area of entrepreneurship as well as the dissemination the idea of creating of innovative companies. The result of the project will be rising the consciousness in area of entrepreneurship as well as the dissemination the idea of creating of innovative companies. It is estimated, that in result of Investment Forum several firms will gain funding. The handbook and report describing methodology of support of innovative firms will be also the result of project. It is estimated, that in result of Investment Forum several firms will gain funding. The handbook and report describing methodology of support of innovative firms will be also the result of project.

9 Support provided to different entrepreneurs. (Brief description of support provided)


11 Identification of issues of PROMOTOR + to modify and arrange so that it fits better with posterior editions.  Clearly and better constructed rules of participation in competition.  Identification of teams not exceeding more than 3 people.  Wider regional promotion campaign in order to collect more sponsors and encourage more key players.  Organization of practical workshops and trainings in different existing companies in order to present and learn how does company works.

12 Thank you for your attention Tomasz Wiśniewski Wroclaw University of Technology Wroclaw Centre for Technology Transfer  Tel.: (+48 71) 320 41 88  Fax: (+48 71) 320 39 48  E-mail: t.wisniewski@wctt.pl t.wisniewski@wctt.pl  www.wctt.pl www.wctt.pl

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