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Achieving Excellence for Your Students Techniques and Concepts to Enhance Your Effectiveness in the Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Excellence for Your Students Techniques and Concepts to Enhance Your Effectiveness in the Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Excellence for Your Students Techniques and Concepts to Enhance Your Effectiveness in the Classroom

2 System Teaching 96% chance of completing ANY project if you have a system 4% chance without one (E. Deming) Teach the system for Reading Teach the system for Writing 20/80 rule - Ask yourself always, What 20% of work with give me 80% results? Systemize your classroom

3 Model of Excellence Most students have little understanding for what is excellence in the quality of work expected Teachers must be a model of excellence Teachers must show examples of excellent work Teaching the system for learning allows students to duplicate excellent performance

4 ADDED VALUE Students need a reason to leave the comfort of their homes and continue coming to school You are that reason ……… Every day ask yourself, What added value can I give to my students that will have them planning with enthusiasm to come back?

5 Added Value cont…. #1 Reason students leave school – Isolated Learning #1 reason for staying in school ---Bonding with teacher Create activities in which the students begin bonding with you and fellow classmates Read to your students!!! Poetry, Literature, Great stories… Create visuals

6 Visualize The brain remembers a picture more than 1,000 words Visual learning is the #1 way students learn… eyes take in 100 million bits of data per second Kinesthetic Learning is # 2 …Skin takes in 10 million bits of data per second Auditory is 3 rd … Ears process 10 thousand bits of data per second

7 Visuals cont…. Create graphs and charts for your systems Reading to your students helps to create visuals Venn diagrams, process charts, mind mapping, T charts, pert charts are all excellent tools for visualizing Pictures create great discussion activities

8 Learning is an Emotional Experience Create an environment that is non threatening and secure Reason – 3 parts of the brain –Emotional –Thinking –Reptilian Ask yourself, Do I feel threatened or Insecure? Every thought goes through the emotional part of the brain first Thoughts are real

9 System for Reading Sight Vocabulary (5 Words) Phonics How words are Constructed –Prefix….Root Words…..Suffix How sentences are made……especially Prepositional Phrases Graphics for Retention Read To your Students

10 System for Writing Writing is the #1 activity that stimulates every part of the brain, reading is #2 Right brain is creative and the left brain is analytical Stay right brain when mapping your ideas and free writing Organizing your paper uses both R & L sides of the brain Rewriting and editing are left brain analytical skills

11 Activities Read Education of Little Tree aloud Writing exercise to ease fear Graph a reading activity Bring music into the classroom Discuss, discuss, discuss 10 minute group exercises Know every students name using alliterations Create a rotating classroom… computer work, individual work, group work, teacher contact

12 Your Attitude is Everything Thoughts are real Brain cant distinguish conscious from unconscious Visualize the perfect you everyday and you will be that person Create success files for students 5 Characteristics of wonderful teachers

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