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Communication & Dissemination.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication & Dissemination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication & Dissemination

2 CCIC Brochure 6000 brochures for the whole project period
+/- 450 brochures to be disseminated by each partner We (P11 – CP2 leader) will print out all brochures and send these to each PP us your address of where we can send the brochures to. Tieke: We will print out now 200 brochures per partner Communicate us on time when you need more brochures.

3 CCIC Badges Name: Myriad Bold 16 pt
Surname: Myriad Bold 16 pt in capital letters Name of organisation: Myriad-regular 12 pt

4 CCIC E-Magazine 6 E-Magazines will be prepared in the course of the project First E-Magazine is made. Content: CCIC project description; Mtg in Sofia and Aberdeen; Mtg Gävle; Launch website; Description Stakeholder interviews. Proposal overall content E-Magazine: Project progress (publications, meetings…) EU news related to CCIC EU events 1 TG extraction by TG leader 1 or 2 BP extractions related to that TG (by BP responsible) Interview with a EU professional working on the theme of that TG (?) Explanation of another EU project related to CCIC of one of the PPs (?) Newsletters (E-Magazine) (6 in total, 2 p.a.): 1st: September nd: December 2012 3rd: June 2013 4th:December 2013 5th:June th: September 2014 6 E-Magazines will be prepared in the course of the project (2 p/a). The e-magazines will feature articles and news about the project activities, information from the EU level and when possible feature interviews with relevant stakeholders and experts.

5 CCIC E-News Roughly 6 in total:
2012:, October. 2013: March, October. 2014: March, May, August Shorter version: short intro of articles with link to CCIC website for full article Proposal overall content E-News: Project progress (publications, meetings…) EU news related to CCIC EU events 1 BP extractions (by BP responsible) E-news is a smaller newsletter, which will be made 5 times in total (roughly 2 each year). Headlines about the project will be shown in this e-letter, no background information; therefore is (when desirable) a link to the website.

6 E-Magazine & E-News Discussion
No printouts of E-Magazine and E-news. They will be sent to the PPs by , and available on website. According to external designers: E-Magazine too big to send it by . Our proposal: Make it all E-News (shorter version) and just one E-Magazine at the end of project with project results, outputs etc. Do you agree? Input for the E-Magazine and E-News by all PPs, not only by us! We will send you a reminder when we need some information from you. Is there a mailing list? Who will send it? LP or CP2 leader? Two options E-Magazine: Send it by with short introductions of articles and full articles in pdf enclosed. Short introductions of articles by and links to CCIC website  Our preference That means that only E-News would be made. We could then make one bigger E-Magazine at the end of the project, where all TGs are descriped and the BPs, info about the outputs of CCIC, interviews with EU experts, etc.

7 More communication… Social Media:
Initial idea was LinkedIn and Twitter. Now LinkedIn not necessary because of restricted area on CCIC website. CCIC Toolkit: Will be send to all PPs Will it be uploaded on the website?

8 CCIC Communication Plan (1)
Planning Not clear when first E-Magazine had to be issued: 1st period? Or in September 2nd period? According to Comm. Plan there where two different suggestions. The PPs who haven’t send an press release to us, please make one about this meeting in Gävle. Not in the required period but at least you will keep up the number of press releases needed according to AF.

9 CCIC Communication Plan (2)
Remember! : Important! Always put the three logos on all communication docs. linked to CCIC: CCIC logo, Interreg IVC logo, EU logo. Press releases to be made by all PPs in your own language. We will communicate it to you when need to be delivered. Include the three logos! This means also on Press releases, communication on your website, etc.

10 Thank you for your attention!
Any questions / remarks?

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