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Types of Graphs Direct and Inverse Relationships

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Graphs Direct and Inverse Relationships"— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Graphs Direct and Inverse Relationships

2 Line Graphs Line graphs show a changing relationship between variables (often over time)


4 Direct v. Indirect

5 Direct Indirect The more food my cat eats, the more she weighs.
food = weight The more exercise my cat gets, the less my cat weighs. exercise = weight

6 Direct Indirect The more I practice archery the better I get.
practice = accuracy The more distractions while I shoot, the lower my score. distractions = score

7 Direct Indirect The more Force I apply, the faster the ball will accelerate force = acceleration The more mass a ball has, the slower it will accelerate – if I use the same force mass = acceleration

8 Direct Indirect The less distance I go, the shorter time it takes to get there – at the same speed distance = time The faster I go (more speed) the quicker I will get there – using the same distance speed = time

9 Bar Graphs A bar graph is useful for comparing information collected by counting.

10 Circle Graphs Also called Pie Graphs Circular Pie Represents the Total
Shows the different parts of a whole quantity.

11 The graph above represents the typical day of a teenager
The graph above represents the typical day of a teenager. Answer these questions: 1) What percent of the day is spent watching TV? __________ 2) What percentage is spent sleeping? _________ 3) What activity takes up the least amount of time? ________ 4) What activity takes up a quarter of the day? ________ 5) What two activities take up 50% of the day? __________ 6) What two activities take up 25% of the day? __________

12 Homework page 20 Make a circle graph showing your 5 favorite foods.
Due: Friday, 8/22/14

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