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Network Meetings and Safety Planning in Child Protection Conferences

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1 Network Meetings and Safety Planning in Child Protection Conferences
Phil Pike


3 Story so far Family and friends feedback Professional feedback
Links to practice development Interface between different strength based intervention

4 AMANDA’S Family Family tree (setting the scene)

5 Support Network

6 Integrated Family Support Practitioner
Professional network Social Worker Integrated Family Support Practitioner Headmaster

7 Safety plan We need to see that A is able to ensure that the children’s needs are prioritised above her own. She needs to ensure that the children are attending all medical appointments and attending school on a daily basis. For this to happen, A needs to work with the safety plan and engage with professionals to help her. When Who and what How to manage/monitor If A becomes unwell and needs to be admitted into hospital. If A becomes unwell and needs to be admitted into hospital and this is during the school holidays. A will contact her mum and Aunt P. Mum, Aunt or Sister will contact other members of the safety plan. If A is in hospital for longer than 2 overnights, for Child S and Child A to remain together: Aunt will support Mum in caring for the children until A is discharged from the hospital. Sister and her husband will provide support on weekends or as and when until A is discharged from hospital. Sister and her husband are willing for Child S and Child A to go and stay with them to keep the siblings together. LT (IFST) and Social Worker will speak with A for regular updates about how she is feeling and how she is managing. Family members/professionals to share any concerns they have with the social worker. Direct work with Child S and Child A by Social Worker. Ex-partner M to be kept up to date with how Child S is and offer support in caring for Child S whilst A is in hospital.



10 Photo of Mum


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