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The Structure of Paragraph. Names of 1st Group Felisia Aprilianti Lahe Felicia Fabiola Victoria Puneomas Yohana.

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Presentation on theme: "The Structure of Paragraph. Names of 1st Group Felisia Aprilianti Lahe Felicia Fabiola Victoria Puneomas Yohana."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Structure of Paragraph

2 Names of 1st Group Felisia Aprilianti Lahe Felicia Fabiola Victoria Puneomas Yohana

3 What is Paragraph ? A paragraph presents is a complete thought. Paragraphs that are well designed can help a writer construck an argument in stages and can be thought to guide a reader through the argument. A paragraph consists of five or six sentences and it is usually around 250 words. Paragraphs is an important role in writing for organising a writer’s ideas in a logical order. A clear structure paragraph makes a reader to understand the purpose paragraph easily.

4 There are three elements in a general paragraph could support the point : 1. Topic Sentence A topic sentence is a stated at the beginning of the paragraph. It needs to grab reader’s attention to make them want to continue to read. The topic sentence should give readers an idea of what’s to come. The writer must make sure the topic sentence is well written and no errors.

5 2. Supporting Sentence A support sentence explains the idea introduced in the topic sentence. It consists of detailed information that is directly relevant to and develops the main point in the topic sentence. A paragraph have to five supporting sentences, it should keep the paragraph focused. The supporting sentence are important to provide a topic sentence. A issue may be resolve by adding conceptual sentence to lead into the following statements.

6 3. Concluding Statement A concluding statement may restate the claim in the topic sentence and it has all the supporting details behind it. The concluding statement should not simply repeat the topic sentence to minimize redundancy. A concluding statement should restating the main point of the paragraph in the last sentence ensures that the reader has a clear understanding of the writer’s interpretation of the supporting sentence presented in the body of paragraph.

7 How To Make A Paragraph Sentences ? Use TEEL to structure paragraphs : > Topic Sentence (Main Idea/Theme) > Explain (Further Explanation Of Topic) > Evidence And Example (E.G. Citations) > Link (Refer Back To Main Argument, Sum Up Or Link To Next Paragraph)

8 Paragraph Sample My dog romeo is so much fun to play with. One reason he’s fun is because he loves to play catch. What’s also fun is that he follows me around the house with a toy and drops it on my foot so I will kick it. Additionally, he can catch just about anything, but his favorite thing to catch is a frisbee. Finally,he loves it when I pretend like I’m falling dead, and he runs over to lick me. All these reasons show why I really have fun playing with Romeo. WHITE IS THE TOPIC SENTENCE YELLOW IS THE SUPPORTING SENTENCE BROWN IS THE CONCLUSION

9 A basic paragraph structure usually consist of five sentence : the topic sentence, three supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. But the secrets to paragraph writing lay in four essential elements, which when used correctly, can make a okay paragraph into a great paragraph.

10 The four elements essential to good paragraph writing are : Unity, Order, Coherence, and Completeness. Elements - 1 : Unity Unity in a pargraph begins with the topic sentence. Every paragraph has one single, controlling idea that is expressed in its topic sentence, which is typically the first sentence of the paragraph. A paragraph is unfield around this main idea, with the supporting sentences providing detail and discussion. In order to write a good topic sentence. 10

11 Elements - 2: Order Order refers to the way you organise your supporting sentences. Whether you choose chronogical order, order of importance, or another logical presentation of detail, a solid paragraph always has a definite organization. In a well-ordered paragraph, the reader follows along aesily, aided by the patern you’ve established. Order helps the reader grasp your meaning and avoid confusion.

12 Element - 3: Coherence Coherence is the quality that makes your writing understandable. Sentences within a paragraph need to connect to each other and work together as a whole. One of the best ways to achieve coherency is to use transtion words. These words create bridges from one sentence to the next. You can use transition words that show order (first, second, third) spatial relationship (above, below) orlogic (furthermore, in addition, in fact). Also, in witing a paragraph, using a consistent verb tense and point of view are important ingredients for conherency.

13 Element - 4 : Completeness Completeness means a paragraph is well-developed if all sentences clearly and sufficiently support the main idea, then your paragraph is complete. If there are not enough sentences or enough thesis, then the paragraph is incomplete. Usually three supporting sentences, in addition to a topic sentence and concluding sentence are needed for a paragraph to be complete the concluding sentence or last sentence of the paragraph should summarize your main idea by reinforcing your topic sentence.

14 The following paragraph has been broken down into its constituent parts : The means by which environmentalists seek to achieve their political goals demonstrate a willingness to operate within traditional political channels.

15 Like many other specialinterest groups, advocates for the environmentalist movement use lobbying tactics such as constributing financially to the campaign of environmentally friends candidates. Lobbying provides a source of politics notes, in “making some commitment to work within the political system. {environmental lobby groups} succumb to... pressure to play ‘by the rules of the game ‘ in the compromise world of washington, D.C” (Vig and kraft 70 ).

16 Some might argue that environmentalists have taken a distinctly anti-american approach to policy change, claiming that lobbying is inherently undemocractic in its bias towards certain segments of the popoulation ; however, lobbying remains a conctitutionally legitimate form of political activism.

17 Ways to begin topic sentences  Begin with the question.  Begin with an interesting fact.  Begin with a definition or explanation of a term relevant to your report.  Begin with a shocking statement.  Begin with a visual that creates a picture in the reader’s mind.  Begin with the setting of the topic.

18 Details – Supporting Point  Add two or three spesific details to prove yor first supporting point.  Make sure they support you first point.dont change ideas or topics!  These should be spesific examples or connections from the text.  These details should help to solidify your writing and prove your point.

19 Way To Make Concluding Sentence  Reviewing main points mentioned in paragraphs.  Summarize the arguments involved in the body paragraphs to provide supporting the conclusion and provide the summary of the information given.  Add a moral lesson of the paragraphs.  Don’t introduce new ideas or topics.

20 20 Thanks! Any questions?

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