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Orange Class Meet the teachers - September 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Orange Class Meet the teachers - September 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Orange Class Meet the teachers - September 2019

2 What will we cover? Class composition & staff Caldecote Curriculum
English Reading Maths Topics Home learning Trips and Visits PE/Swimming Incentives Communication How can you help? Any questions?

3 Orange Classroom and outdoor space
26 children: 10 boys, 16 girls Teaching assistants: Mrs Lydon and Mr Thulborn Teachers: Miss Owens

4 Caldecote Curriculum

5 English Linked to topic
Writing lessons: Consists of teacher input, shared texts, practical activities, group work, independent work, teacher or TA assisted work. 15/20 minute sessions everyday: Handwriting, guided reading, phonics, punctuation and grammar sessions Mixed and ability groupings Catch up sessions

6 Reading AR (Assertive Mentoring)
Parents please support by providing and sharing additional books at home. Books shared with an adult may be above child’s ability. Guided reading

7 Maths Every day Consists of teacher input, practical activities, group work, independent work, teacher or TA assisted work. Mental Arithmetic and Times tables 15-20 minute sessions every day Mixed and ability groupings. Catch up sessions

8 Topics Half termly overviews will be on the class page on the school website. Subject to change! Autumn 1: Potions Autumn 2: Pharaohs Spring 1: I am Warrior! / Heroes and Villains Spring 2: I am Warrior! / Heroes and Villains Summer 1: Predator Summer 2: Blue Abyss

9 Trips, Visits and Events
Harry Potter Studios Thursday 19th September Visit from an expert Dissecting owl pellets Website and newsletter for new events and updates

10 Home learning Reading Children will take home their AR books which are set at their level. Please share the books with your children. Spellings and phonics Spellings set every Tuesday to be checked the next Monday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentence writing. Mathletics Times tables including Times Table Rockstars Home learning project Linked to our half termly topic.

11 P.E. PE is on Thursday Shorts and t-shirts for indoor
Warm kit and trainers required for outdoor games Encourage children to be independent when changing. Long hair tied back, earrings to be removed or covered with tape Note required if child is not able to do PE

12 Rewards House points: Potter, Hagrid, McGonnagal, Weasley Star Award
5 Star Book Whole class reward: pebble jar Sanctions: Minutes off playtime

13 Communication A member of staff is on the playground every morning (8.45 – 8.55am) can pass on messages to your child's teacher. Messages can also be passed to breakfast club who can pass it to your child's teacher. 5 day policy - often easier/quicker to share messages with staff member in the morning. Twitter Website Newsletters Parent forum

14 How can you help? Everything should be named
Please ensure your child has a water bottle for use throughout the day in the classroom – not in book bag Outdoor learning – Coats, rain coats and wellies in school Support us to build children’s resilience and stamina Support with home learning Keep and eye on channels of communication, especially parentmail and newsletters Please do communicate any concerns or worries so we can act on them

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