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Teachers: Mrs Davenport Mrs Cheek Teaching Assistant: Mrs Arrowsmith

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1 Teachers: Mrs Davenport Mrs Cheek Teaching Assistant: Mrs Arrowsmith
Welcome to Year 3 Teachers: Mrs Davenport Mrs Cheek Teaching Assistant: Mrs Arrowsmith Read book

2 We want your children to be happy learners.
Throughout the year we will be teaching through topic based learning. We will continue to teach using “Big Questions”. Our current big question is: Who is healthier: you or a Viking? Some of the other topics to be covered include: Volcanoes The Greeks Exploring Europe How plants grow What is the Earth made from? We want your children to be happy learners.

3 Literacy and Maths Your child will have a Literacy and Maths lesson every day. This year, children will be placed in mixed ability Maths and Literacy groups. Lessons will help to develop a well-rounded understanding of all skills without moving children on too quickly. Children will be challenged and supported where needed – but with the focus of greater depth of skills. Your child will be given a reading book to read at home each day. Please keep in the clear zip bag in child’s book bag. 20 minutes daily reading will take place in Literacy lessons. The 33, 66 and 99 times tables club will continue this year with a new set of challenge questions appropriate for year 3.

4 PE Indoor PE will be on a Tuesday.
Games will be on a Thursday – the children will require an outdoor kit eg tracksuit for when the weather becomes colder. They will also need trainers for outdoor PE. Please ensure PE kits are in school on and your child’s clothes are labelled. Long hair must be tied back. Jewellery should not be worn on these days. Swimming will begin after the February half term. We will provide more information closer to the time. Earrings cannot be worn during PE, Games or swimming lessons.

5 Homework Homework will be given on a Friday to be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday Spellings or a spelling investigation will also go home on a Friday Maths homework will be ‘Mathletics’ The children may also be set projects to complete during the school year Homework is to be completed in Green book If possible, please encourage your child to read daily – this only has to be a couple of pages (Reading record) Please refer to the homework part of the Year 3 page on the school website for more detail about homework each week

6 Rewards and Sanctions The same system will be used in Year 3 as in Year 2. This will include: Good to be green Privileges Consequence system Merits Stickers

7 Other information Children should bring in a named water bottle
Children may order snack in the morning. Each item is 25p The children may bring their own healthy snack into school to eat at break time. An ‘unhealthy’ snack is allowed on a Friday but not sweets/lollipops If the children bring in money (dinner money, club or trip money etc) please put it into a named envelope or money bag so the office can identify who it belongs to The children will not require any stationary as all equipment they need will be provided Please send in a note to inform us if your child is going home with someone different

8 Inspire Workshops We will be holding inspire workshops later this half term. Class Y3DD – Tuesday 3rd October 2017 Class Y3SC – Tuesday 17th October 2017 Workshops will be held during the afternoon (1:45pm-3:00pm) this year and we will send out a letter in the next couple of weeks to confirm attendance.

9 Thank you for coming!

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