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First Grade Parent Information Meeting

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1 First Grade Parent Information Meeting
Jacob G. Smith Elementary August 20, 2019

2 Welcome! Meet the Teachers!

3 Our Schedule 8:00-10:30: Academics 10:35-11:05: Lunch 11:05-11:35: Recess 11:30-12:45: Academics 12:45-1:30: Specials 1:30-2:30: Academics

4 Balanced Literacy Balanced Literacy is a structure that teaches independence and gives children the skills needed to create a lifetime love of reading and writing. It consists of five tasks that are introduced individually. When introduced to each task, the children discuss what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like to engage in the activity independently. Children will work on building stamina so they are successful at being independent while doing that task. The five tasks are: Read to Self Work on Writing Listen to Reading Read to Someone Word Work

5 Eureka Math Eureka Math- also known as EngageNY
A complete Pre-K through 12th grade curriculum that carefully sequences the mathematical progressions into expertly crafted modules It fully covers all the 1st Grade Georgia Standards of Excellence 4 Key Components Fluency Application Concept Development Debrief

6 Agenda/Homework/Lion Folders
The Agenda is an important communication tool between home and school. Please, sign and return it daily. Any changes in transportation can be relayed through the Agenda In the Agenda you should be recording your nightly reading and math practice. While homework is not required in First Grade, this practice will help your child have a successful academic year. Lion folders are sent home every Wednesday. These contain graded papers, important papers from the teacher, and important papers from the office. Please, be sure to look over the papers, sign and return anything that needs to be returned, and sign and return the folder.

7 Newsletter

8 Measures of Academic Progress- MAP Reading and Math
End of Year Goal- Math: 177 (Basic), 183 (Proficient), 198 (Advanced) Reading: 178 (Basic), 184 (Proficient), 196 (Advanced) Take 3 times throughout the year.

9 Assessments Weekly Assessments Given on Friday
Spelling Test: Five sight words given to students plus 5 words which follow the Wilson Phonics Rule currently being taught. Dictation: Teacher will dictate a simple sentence to test for spelling of familiar words, handwriting, sentence structure. Trick Word Test: Student read fill-in-the-blank to test proper usage of the five sight words for the week. Other assessments Given as Needed: Vocabulary- Words will come from Reading, Social Studies, or Science Unit Mid-Module and End-of-Module Eureka Math Tests One-on-one Reading with a Teacher testing for fluency, accuracy, and comprehension

10 Field Trips Musical Explorers- TBD (December & May)
Savannah Children’s Theater Tybee Marine Science Center Savannah Arts Academy Spring Performance- TBD A letter will be sent home regarding cost for the trips.

11 Website 101 Shortcut to the First Grade Website:\jgsmithfirst
Links for at home practice: Xtra Math Zearn Starfall MobyMax Shared Documents Folders: Eureka Math Parent Newsletters Teacher Newsletters Wilson Fundations Parent Information Packs

12 Website 101 Other Eureka Math Help Teacher Web Pages Donors Choose
Calendar of Events Announcements Videos Related to Current Topics of Study

13 Questions?

14 Good Night!

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