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Looking Closely at the Bill of Rights Unit 2 Lesson 1

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1 Looking Closely at the Bill of Rights Unit 2 Lesson 1
Protecting our Rights Looking Closely at the Bill of Rights Unit 2 Lesson 1

2 Why where the bill of rights created?
Before the Constitution was ratified, to approve, many wanted their rights written down This was due to the fact that the King had abused their rights so often in the past Written rights would insure that the people of America would always have those rights Written rights also gave the people a legal way to protect and defend their rights if they were ever abused

3 How many Rights are in the Bill of Rights?
How many Rights are there now? Was there ever an amendment added to the Bill of Rights that later was taken away? If so, what was it?

4 Bill of Rights: First 10 Amendments
All citizens of the United States have the: Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, to come together to talk or protest a common issue, and petition, is a written protest to create change Right to keep and bear arms; states’ rights to have a militia, a body of civilian soldiers Freedom from having to allow soldiers to stay in their homes during times of peace

All citizens of the United States have the: Freedom from unreasonable search and seizures, looking into private property and taking it without proper cause or evidence Freedom from being accused of crime except by grand jury indictment, formally being charge with a crime, and from being tried twice for the same offense, right to due process, no one is denied access to their rights

6 Bill of Rights: First 10 Amendments
All citizens of the United States have the: Right to a fair trial in criminal cases Right to a jury trial, a group of peers used in court cases, in most civil cases Right to reasonable bail, set amount of money needed to get out of jail, fines and punishment, no unusual or cruel punishments

7 Bill of Rights: First 10 Amendments
All citizens of the United States have the: Rights cannot be given to one group and not to another. Powers not given to the Federal government in the Constitution are reserved, or given to the States or the people.

8 Bill of Rights Vocabulary
ratified: assembly: petition: militia: unreasonable search and seizures:

9 Bill of Rights Vocabulary
indictment: due process: jury trial: bail: Reserved:

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