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copyright cmassengale

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1 copyright cmassengale
Macromolecules copyright cmassengale

2 copyright cmassengale
Organic Compounds Compounds that contain CARBON are called organic. Macromolecules are large organic molecules. copyright cmassengale

3 copyright cmassengale
Carbon (C) Carbon has 4 electrons in outer shell. Carbon can form covalent bonds with as many as 4 other atoms (elements). Usually with C, H, O or N. Example: CH4(methane) copyright cmassengale

4 copyright cmassengale
Macromolecules Large organic molecules. Also called POLYMERS. Made up of smaller “building blocks” called MONOMERS. Examples: 1. Carbohydrates 2. Lipids 3. Proteins 4. Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) copyright cmassengale

5 A polymer Is a long molecule consisting of many similar building blocks called monomers Specific monomers make up each macromolecule E.g. amino acids are the monomers for proteins

6 Question: How Are Macromolecules Formed?
copyright cmassengale

7 Answer: Dehydration Synthesis
Also called “condensation reaction” Forms polymers by combining monomers by “removing water”. HO H H2O HO H copyright cmassengale

8 The Synthesis and Breakdown of Polymers
Monomers form larger molecules by condensation reactions called dehydration synthesis (a) Dehydration reaction in the synthesis of a polymer HO H 1 2 3 4 H2O Short polymer Unlinked monomer Longer polymer Dehydration removes a water molecule, forming a new bond Figure 5.2A

9 Question: How are Macromolecules separated or digested?
copyright cmassengale

10 copyright cmassengale
Answer: Hydrolysis Separates monomers by “adding water” HO H H2O HO H copyright cmassengale

11 The Synthesis and Breakdown of Polymers
Polymers can disassemble by Hydrolysis (addition of water molecules) (b) Hydrolysis of a polymer HO 1 2 3 H 4 H2O Hydrolysis adds a water molecule, breaking a bond Figure 5.2B

12 copyright cmassengale
Carbohydrates copyright cmassengale

13 copyright cmassengale
Carbohydrates Small sugar molecules to large sugar molecules. Examples: A. monosaccharide B. disaccharide C. polysaccharide copyright cmassengale

14 copyright cmassengale
Carbohydrates Monosaccharide: one sugar unit Examples: glucose (C6H12O6) deoxyribose ribose Fructose Galactose glucose copyright cmassengale

15 Sugars Monosaccharides Are the simplest sugars Can be used for fuel
Can be converted into other organic molecules Can be combined into polymers

16 copyright cmassengale
Carbohydrates Disaccharide: two sugar unit Examples: Sucrose (glucose+fructose) Lactose (glucose+galactose) Maltose (glucose+glucose) glucose copyright cmassengale

17 copyright cmassengale
Carbohydrates Polysaccharide: many sugar units Examples: starch (bread, potatoes) glycogen (beef muscle) cellulose (lettuce, corn) glucose cellulose copyright cmassengale

18 Storage Polysaccharides
Chloroplast Starch Amylose Amylopectin 1 m (a) Starch: a plant polysaccharide Figure 5.6 Starch Is a polymer consisting entirely of glucose monomers Is the major storage form of glucose in plants

19  Structural Polysaccharide Cellulose
Is a major component of the tough walls that enclose plant cells Plant cells 0.5 m Cell walls Cellulose microfibrils in a plant cell wall Microfibril CH2OH OH O Glucose monomer Parallel cellulose molecules are held together by hydrogen bonds between hydroxyl groups attached to carbon atoms 3 and 6. About 80 cellulose molecules associate to form a microfibril, the main architectural unit of the plant cell wall. A cellulose molecule is an unbranched  glucose polymer. Cellulose molecules Figure 5.8

20 Cellulose is difficult to digest
Cows have microbes in their stomachs to facilitate this process Figure 5.9

21 Chitin, another important structural polysaccharide
Is found in the exoskeleton of arthropods Can be used as surgical thread (a) The structure of the chitin monomer. O CH2OH OH H NH C CH3 (b) Chitin forms the exoskeleton of arthropods. This cicada is molting, shedding its old exoskeleton and emerging in adult form. (c) Chitin is used to make a strong and flexible surgical thread that decomposes after the wound or incision heals. Figure 5.10 A–C

22 copyright cmassengale
Lipids copyright cmassengale

23 copyright cmassengale
Lipids General term for compounds which are not soluble in water. Lipids are soluble in hydrophobic solvents. Remember: “stores the most energy” Examples: 1. Fats 2. Phospholipids 3. Oils 4. Waxes 5. Steroid hormones 6. Triglycerides copyright cmassengale

24 copyright cmassengale
Lipids Six functions of lipids: 1. Long term energy storage 2. Protection against heat loss (insulation) 3. Protection against physical shock 4. Protection against water loss 5. Chemical messengers (hormones) 6. Major component of membranes (phospholipids) copyright cmassengale

25 copyright cmassengale
Lipids Triglycerides: composed of 1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids. H H-C----O glycerol O C-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 = O C-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 = fatty acids O C-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH =CH-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 = copyright cmassengale

26 copyright cmassengale
Fatty Acids There are two kinds of fatty acids you may see these on food labels: 1. Saturated fatty acids: no double bonds (bad) 2. Unsaturated fatty acids: double bonds (good) O C-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 = saturated O C-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH =CH-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 = unsaturated copyright cmassengale

27 (a) Structural formula (b) Space-filling model
Phospholipid structure Consists of a hydrophilic “head” and hydrophobic “tails” CH2 O P CH C Phosphate Glycerol (a) Structural formula (b) Space-filling model Fatty acids (c) Phospholipid symbol Hydrophobic tails Hydrophilic head Hydrophobic tails Hydrophilic head Choline + Figure 5.13 N(CH3)3

28 The structure of phospholipids
Results in a bilayer arrangement found in cell membranes Hydrophilic head WATER Hydrophobic tail Figure 5.14

29 copyright cmassengale
Proteins copyright cmassengale

30 Proteins Proteins have many structures, resulting in a wide range of functions Proteins do most of the work in cells and act as enzymes Proteins are made of monomers called amino acids

31 An overview of protein functions
Table 5.1

32 Proteins (Polypeptides)
Amino acids (20 different kinds of aa) bonded together by peptide bonds (polypeptides). Six functions of proteins: 1. Storage: albumin (egg white) 2. Transport: hemoglobin 3. Regulatory: hormones 4. Movement: muscles 5. Structural: membranes, hair, nails 6. Enzymes: cellular reactions copyright cmassengale

33 Enzymes Are a type of protein that acts as a catalyst, speeding up chemical reactions Substrate (sucrose) Enzyme (sucrase) Glucose OH H O H2O Fructose 3 Substrate is converted to products. 1 Active site is available for a molecule of substrate, the reactant on which the enzyme acts. Substrate binds to enzyme. 2 4 Products are released. Figure 5.16

34 Polypeptides Polypeptides Are polymers (chains) of amino acids
A protein Consists of one or more polypeptides

35 Sickle-Cell Disease: A Simple Change in Primary Structure
Results from a single amino acid substitution in the protein hemoglobin

36 Sickle-cell hemoglobin
Primary structure Secondary and tertiary structures Quaternary structure Function Red blood cell shape Hemoglobin A Molecules do not associate with one another, each carries oxygen. Normal cells are full of individual hemoglobin molecules, each carrying oxygen 10 m Hemoglobin S Molecules interact with one another to crystallize into a fiber, capacity to carry oxygen is greatly reduced.  subunit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Normal hemoglobin Sickle-cell hemoglobin . . . Figure 5.21 Exposed hydrophobic region Val Thr His Leu Pro Glul Glu Fibers of abnormal hemoglobin deform cell into sickle shape.

37 What Determines Protein Conformation?
Protein conformation Depends on the physical and chemical conditions of the protein’s environment Temperature, pH, etc. affect protein structure

38 Denaturation is when a protein unravels and loses its native conformation (shape)
Renaturation Denatured protein Normal protein Figure 5.22

39 copyright cmassengale
Nucleic Acids copyright cmassengale

40 Nucleic Acids Nucleic acids store and transmit hereditary information
Genes Are the units of inheritance Program the amino acid sequence of polypeptides Are made of nucleotide sequences on DNA

41 copyright cmassengale
Nucleic acids Two types: a. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA- double helix) b. Ribonucleic acid (RNA-single strand) Nucleic acids are composed of long chains of nucleotides linked by dehydration synthesis. copyright cmassengale

42 Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DNA Stores information for the synthesis of specific proteins Found in the nucleus of cells

43 Synthesis of mRNA in the nucleus
DNA Functions Directs RNA synthesis (transcription) Directs protein synthesis through RNA (translation) 1 2 3 Synthesis of mRNA in the nucleus Movement of mRNA into cytoplasm via nuclear pore Synthesis of protein NUCLEUS CYTOPLASM DNA mRNA Ribosome Amino acids Polypeptide Figure 5.25

44 Consists of two antiparallel nucleotide strands
The DNA double helix Consists of two antiparallel nucleotide strands 3’ end Sugar-phosphate backbone Base pair (joined by hydrogen bonding) Old strands Nucleotide about to be added to a new strand A 5’ end New strands Figure 5.27

45 copyright cmassengale
Nucleic acids Nucleotides include: phosphate group pentose sugar (5-carbon) nitrogenous bases: adenine (A) thymine (T) DNA only uracil (U) RNA only cytosine (C) guanine (G) copyright cmassengale

46 copyright cmassengale
Nucleotide O O=P-O Phosphate Group N Nitrogenous base (A, G, C, or T) CH2 O C1 C4 C3 C2 5 Sugar (deoxyribose) copyright cmassengale

47 copyright cmassengale
DNA - double helix P O 1 2 3 4 5 P O 1 2 3 4 5 G C T A copyright cmassengale

48 DNA and Proteins as Tape Measures of Evolution
Molecular comparisons Help biologists sort out the evolutionary connections among species

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