This training session will cover:

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1 Akari Reports Training How to generate reports from Akari using MyAcademic August 2019

2 This training session will cover:
Accessing MyAcademic from Akari Locating the Akari Curriculum Dashboard in MyAcademic Becoming familiar with the Akari Curriculum Dashboard Viewing Details of Multiple Study Packages and Exporting to Excel Generating Business Case Reports Generating Course Discontinuation Reports Generating a Course Briefing Note for the University Course and Unit Proposals Committee (UCUPC) Generating Committee Papers New Course Proposal and Amendment Report New Unit Proposal and Amendment Report Reports Output Troubleshooting Requesting Assistance

3 Getting Started: Logging in to Akari Please go to https://utas

4 Reports are accessible through the Akari Reporting Tool within MyAcademic. You can access MyAcademic via the Akari Homepage as shown below:

5 Alternatively, if you’re already familiar with MyAcademic, you can log in as you normally would. Following the link on the Akari Homepage will prompt you to log into MyAcademic (if you’re not already logged in, in which case login will occur automatically). Remember to use your username followed when logging into MyAcademic. If you require assistance with access to MyAcademic, please go to slide 23 in this PowerPoint presentation.

6 Please keep in mind there are two versions of MyAcademic, which display differently. The version you have may not exactly match the screenshots used in this presentation, or those used in the Akari Reports User Guide, however, you should still be able to locate the required icons.

7 Once logged in, you will see the Akari Reporting icon, as shown by the arrow in the screenshot to the right. If you don’t have it on your screen, you will need to request access (see slide 23)

8 Within the Akari Reporting Workplace, the screen to the right will appear. On this screen, select the ‘Curriculum Dashboard’ tile (see arrow in the screenshot). Selecting that tile will show you the available reports.


10 The following reports are located under the headings on the Curriculum Dashboard
View Courses View Components View Units Committee Reports Viewing details of multiple courses simultaneously and exporting to Excel Viewing details of multiple components (Majors, Minors or Specialisations) simultaneously and exporting to Excel Viewing details of multiple units simultaneously and exporting to Excel New Course Proposal and Amendment Report Business Case Reports (Business Case Concept and Full Business Case) Unit Discontinuation Report New Unit Proposal and Amendment Report Course Discontinuation Report Briefing Note for submission of new course proposals and amendments to the University Course and Unit Proposals Committee (UCUPC)

11 Viewing Details of Multiple Study Packages and Exporting to Excel
From the Curriculum Dashboard, left-click on either ‘View Courses’, ‘View Units’, or ‘View Components’ to display the report interface. Depending on the report, there are several pre-set filters you can use: As At date Category Status (current Akari approval status) Owning Organisational Unit (noting that this is the Akari organisational unit table and therefore shows all organisational units. The type of organisational unit (College, School, Discipline) is listed in brackets next to the organisational unit title.) Users can also use the Search field, which will search for study package code or title.

12 The results of the search update in real time, based on your selections, and can then be output to Excel by right-clicking within the body of the search output and selecting Excel or CSV. If you choose to export to Excel by selecting the ‘Export to Excel’ link as shown by the red arrow below, your output will include more data than what appears on the screen. Please Note: using the highlighted search field in the screenshot above will not limit what you see when you export to CSV or Excel. However, if you narrow your search using the three fields, ‘As at’, ‘Status’, and ‘Owning Org’, your export will only contain the on-screen study packages.

13 Returning to the Curriculum Dashboard
To return to the Curriculum Dashboard from any of the report interface screens, click on the back arrow, or on the ‘Home’ icon at the top left on your screen, as shown below:

14 Generating Business Case Reports
From the Curriculum Dashboard, left-click on ‘View Courses’. Search for the title of the course for which you wish to generate a Business Case (if the Business Case pertains to a new course, a code will not yet exist, therefore you can only search for the title.) In the search result, select the relevant course by clicking on the title. A new screen will appear as shown below. Select the heading ‘Business Case Report’ as identified by the red arrow:

15 This pop-up will appear:
The Business Case Process is divided into two phases, the ‘Business Case Concept’ and the ‘Full Business Case’. Choose which report you would like to generate by selecting it from the Business Case Type dropdown as shown below: Then select ‘Submit’ For a step by step guide to the Business Case Process, please refer to the Document tiled ‘Business Case Process in Akari’, or the ‘Akari Business Case Process’ PowerPoint Training Presentation which are located at: - see slide 21 in this PowerPoint for guidance on locating the generated reports.

16 Generating Course & Unit Discontinuation Reports
From the Curriculum Dashboard, left-click on ‘View Courses’ or ‘View Units’. Search for the code or title of the course or Unit for which you wish to generate a Discontinuation Report. In the search result, select the relevant course or unit by clicking on the title. A new screen will appear as shown below (example is course screen): Select the heading ‘Discontinuation Report’ as identified by the red arrow to the left.

17 The following pop-up may appear. Then select ‘Submit’. Alternatively, the report will instantly generate and can be found by clicking on the ‘Home’ icon in the top left hand corner of your screen, and then clicking on ‘My Academic’ and then ‘My Reports’ (as shown in the screenshot to the right):

18 Generating a Course Briefing Note for the University Course and Unit Proposals Committee (UCUPC)
From the Curriculum Dashboard, left-click on ‘View Courses’. Search for the code or title of the course for which you wish to generate a Briefing Note. In the search result, select the relevant study package by clicking on the title. A new screen will appear as shown below: Select the heading ‘UCUPC Briefing Note’ as identified by the red arrow to the left. Please note: there are currently some fields in the UCUPC Briefing Note that require manual input of data. These fields will be incorporated into Akari asap. See slide 21 in this PowerPoint for guidance on locating the Briefing Note once it has been generated.

19 From the Curriculum Dashboard, left-click on ‘Committee Reports’.
Generating Committee Papers New Course Proposal and Amendment Report New Unit Proposal and Amendment Report From the Curriculum Dashboard, left-click on ‘Committee Reports’. Search for the code or title of the study package for which you wish to generate one of the above templates. Alternatively, you can use one of the drop-down menus to limit your search to all study packages at a certain ‘status’ (e.g. pending UCUPC endorsement) and all study packages from your ‘owning org’ (e.g. College of Arts, Law and Education) and then ‘Study Package Category Type’ (e.g. Course). Once your search results appear, select ‘Generate Committee Papers’ as shown by the red arrow below:

20 This pop-up will appear:
Then select ‘Submit’. The next slide in this PowerPoint provides guidance on locating generated committee reports.

21 Reports Output Once generated, all reports will be available from ‘My Reports’ on the MyAcademic Dashboard. Select ‘Home’ followed by ‘My Reports’, as shown by the red arrows in the screenshot on the left. If ‘My Reports’ is not located on your Homepage, click on ‘My Academic’ in the bottom banner of your screen, as shown in the screenshot on the right): Please Note: Currently users must wait 15 minutes between saving new data in Akari and generating a report in MyAcademic to allow the updating and exchange of information between systems. Refreshes of the MyAcademic database occurs every 10 minutes and takes up to five minutes (depending on the volume of change).

22 Troubleshooting; a few things to remember:
If your report isn’t initially viewable in “My Reports”, click the refresh icon on your browser until it displays, or go on to something else for a few minutes and then come back to it. The integration between Akari and MyAcademic can be easily broken. We do not yet have error reporting in place to alert us when this happens, and therefore are reliant on users to let us know if their reports are not generating. So, if your reports are not generating, please let us know and don’t just assume you have done something wrong (see the next slide for how to request assistance). We are in the process of adding a ‘last date modified’ stamp to each report, so you can easily see whether the report you generated contains the most recent information you updated in Akari. Remember users must wait 15 minutes between saving new data in Akari and generating a report in MyAcademic to allow the updating and exchange of information between systems.

23 Requesting Assistance
To submit a request for assistance regarding Akari or MyAcademic, go to the Self-Service Portal, click on the support icon and choose Student Operations from the Department field. Then choose SSBI as the category and Curriculum as the sub-category. The UTAS Akari Reports Guide can be located at:

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