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Successful Marriages.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Marriages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Marriages

2 Marriages are much like any of the other friendships people have.
Like friendships, marriages only work with effort.

3 Accept your mate, do not plan to change him or her.
The qualities and habits you want to change will become more annoying to you with time.

4 Healthy change can occur as a result of discussion.
If you can not accept the person as is, think twice before getting married. Healthy change can occur as a result of discussion.

5 Communication is the key to a successful marriage.
Communication is also vital to handling daily routines.

6 Marriage Communication
Speak gently Watch tone of voice and body language State your emotions Consider timing Listen to your partner

7 Making Decisions Together
State the problem List possible alternatives Consider the alternatives Choose the best alternative Put into action Analyze the results

8 Handling Finances What are family’s financial goals?
Who will see that bills are paid? Joint or separate checking accounts? How will credit cards be used? How much can be spent on a purchase without consulting the other spouse?

9 Decisions must be made about responsibilities
Decisions must be made about responsibilities. Division of jobs can be based on whatever works for the couple. Be flexible

10 Resolving Conflicts Never allow abusive behavior, either physical or emotional. Do not ignore problems. Count to ten. Communicate. Place value on the other’s point of view.

11 Attack the issue, not the person.
Discuss one problem at a time. Learn to compromise. Learn to apologize. Forgive and forget.

12 Thoughtfulness is the best way to show someone you care.

13 Say thank you Give a compliment Send flowers Give a greeting card with a special message Give a gift Make something for your spouse Plan a special outing Do a job that’s normally theirs Remember birthdays and anniversaries Plan a special surprise

14 Spending time alone together is necessary for married couples.

15 Intimacy is vital to a marriage
Intimacy is the closeness that comes from deep, personal conversation, loving gestures, and displays of affection. Intimacy strengthens the love in a marriage.

16 The sexual side of a relationship is important, although not all-important.

17 A healthy relationship is not a smothering one
A healthy relationship is not a smothering one. Most people find that they need other people in their lives too.

18 It is often said that when you marry, you marry a whole family, not just an individual.
Marital commitments are made to last. This means your spouse’s family will be part of your life for a long time.

19 The most important ingredient in a good marriage seems to be a determined commitment to make it succeed. Even though all marriages go through cycles, the mutual commitment of couples works as the glue that holds them together during the rough times.

20 May a successful marriage be in your future.

21 The End

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