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07: GROUPS GCSEart&designexamination Key Stage 4

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1 07: GROUPS 16 20 GCSEart&designexamination Key Stage 4
You should make connections with appropriate sources when developing your personal response to one of the following suggestions: Develop your own interpretation of the starting point Groups. You could create artwork based on how groups of people are connected (c) You might be inspired by how groups of objects can be selected and arranged.



4 4 2 3 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 1 AO GCSEart&design2015/16 DEVELOP REFINE RECORD
Key Stage 4 GCSEart&design2015/16 GCSE AQA Assessment Objectives // Exploring the Journey and Process AO1 Your examination should show CLEAR EVIDENCE of the following – DEVELOP Your ability to EXPLORE and ANALYSE what you see, and to interpret the world around you in a CREATIVE way. This will include drawing from observation, photography, and expressive work in different media used in CONTEXT. Work that is SKILFULLY and sensitively produced, showing CONTROL of technique and media. Must show CONSIDERATION when using any material or media. Well-PRESENTED artwork making creative use of the sketchbook page/paper. EXPERIMENTATION with a broad range of media. RESEARCH using a wide range of visual sources, and the ability to select and use this research in an INFORMED and coherent way. Planning and making informed judgements about how to DEVELOP and REFINE your work. Knowledge of DIFFERENT kinds of artwork from different cultures, times and places. Well thought through OPINIONS about art, and your OWN work which can be justified, using a wide RANGE of art vocabulary in an appropriate way. AO2 REFINE AO3 Course Requirements RECORD AO4 You must show that you have visually researched and developed an idea, evaluated your own work, explored and evaluated the work of other artists, and made clear observations about how this research has informed your own visual development. Your final outcome MUST be informed by the supporting studies and preparatory work you have completed and make connections with the work of other artists OUTCOME

5 4 2 3 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 1 AO GCSEart&design2015/16 DEVELOP REFINE RECORD
Key Stage 4 GCSEart&design2015/16 GCSE AQA Assessment Objectives // Outline and Descriptions AO1 DEVELOP ideas through INVESTIGATIONS informed by CONTEXTUAL sources showing ANALYTICAL understanding DEVELOP AO2 REFINE ideas through EXPERIMENTING and SELECTING appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. REFINE AO3 RECORD ideas, observations and insights RELEVANT to intentions in visual and other forms Assessment Objectives RECORD AO4 Present a PERSONAL informed and meaningful response, realising intentions and making, CONNECTIONS between visual, written, oral or other elements OUTCOME

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