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TRADOC Overview 25 September 2019 victory starts here!

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1 TRADOC Overview 25 September 2019 victory starts here!
Name of Group (Audience size and description) Who intros Special Notes Good Morning Team (or special greeting)! Tailor intro to audience TD CDR for 6 months now…I am in awe of what this command does…for our Army…and our Nation…the team that builds the greatest Army in the world… Next Slide- “We Take This” victory starts here! As of 25 SEP 2019

ACQUIRE – BUILD – IMPROVE – REFORM – LEAD – INFORM TRADOC makes America’s Army Ready and Strong Through: TRAINING MAINTAINING MORALE DISCIPLINE Training Programs Institutions Combat Readiness Mission Support Combined Arms Technical Expertise Empower Leaders 8-Step Training Model Continuous Improvement Focused Fundamentals Sustain the Mission Service Program Establish Stability Preserve Continuity Resiliency Family & Community Comprehensive Fitness & Wellness TOTAL FORCE BE GOOD NEIGHBORS SCHOOLS SOLDIERS ARMY CIVILIANS FAMILIES UNITS COMMUNITIES Catch People Doing Things Right Mentorship Education/Counseling Sponsorship Quality of Life Be a Source of Counsel Soldier For Life-Transition Assistance Program Dignity and Respect Secure Yourself First Personal Responsibility Accountability High Standards Use Resources Wisely Share Best Practices Safety Steward the Profession Trust READY & RESILIENT PROGRAMS FOR: We took the format you have used in the past to lay out your vision for our leaders as TRADOC trains and maintains our Army while building morale, discipline and teamwork for the TOTAL Army – soldiers, army civilians, families, units and communities. (Next Slide) DO WHAT IS RIGHT WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING HOLISTIC ARMY WARRIORS KNOW WHY WE SERVE BUILD TENACITY TEAMWORK Forge America’s Army to deter, fight, and win on any battlefield now and into the Future! VICTORY STARTS HERE!

3 TRADOC Organizational Chart
…architect and general contractor …Design-Acquire-Build-Improve LTG Wesley (ARCIC) – transitioning to AFC …designs the Army MG Muth (USAREC) and MG Evans (USACC) …acquires raw materials (one of our Army’s toughest jobs) …I’ve learned we don’t fully appreciate why SQD LDRS are so important to filling our Recruiter and Drill Sergeant ranks …I’ve also learned a lot about the challenges and risk in recruiting MG Frost (CIMT) – and teammates across the TD enterprise …build our Army LTG Lundy (CAC) – and teammates…COE CDRs…CMDNTs …constantly improve our products and ship them back to FC …your link back to TRADOC is thru your Branch School/CMDNT NEXT SLIDE – Near Term Priorities Commanding General Command Sergeant Major Deputy Commanding General / Chief of Staff Deputy Chief of Staff Deputy Commanding General - National Guard Deputy Commanding General - Army Reserve Acquire Improve U.S. Army Recruiting Command X x 7 U.S. Army Cadet Command X x 8 DCG Initial Military Training/ CG Center for IMT DCG Combined Arms /CG Combined Arms Center Rapid Equipping Force Center of Military History OPCON to IMT 108th Training Command 80th Training Command Army U CAC Training Recruiting ROTC OPCON 104th Training Div Army Training Center Asymmetric Warfare Group Build and Improve Mission Command CoE Armor School Infantry Maneuver CoE ADA School Artillery Fires CoE Aviation CoE Aviation School Cyber CoE Cyber School Signal Intelligence CoE Intelligence School Engineer School MP CBRN Maneuver Support CoE QM School Ordnance SSI Transport CASCOM (Sustainment CoE) HRCoE/ AMEDD Legend Core Function Lead U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy For External Use Proponency

4 Soldiers Deserve Great Leadership BUILD Formations Ready for War
TRADOC “PURSUIT OF VICTORY STARTS HERE” ACQUIRE - BUILD - IMPROVE - REFORM – LEAD & INSPIRE - INFORM TRADOC recruits, trains, educates, develops, and builds the Army; establishes standards, drives improvement, and leads change to ensure the Army can deter, fight, and win on any battlefield now and into the future. IMPROVE Soldiers Deserve Great Leadership BUILD Formations Ready for War AQUIRE Soldiers Prepared for Battle Sir, working with the G3/5/7 we have continued to refine this slide. The essential functions and key efforts are the ones recommended here along with their definitions and the resulting desired end state. Acquire, Build, Improve and Reform nest explicitly within the TRADOC Campaign Plan being developed by the G3 and each of these are supported by the command’s efforts of lead and inform. This framework will be useful within CPG as we develop and rationalize both your engagements and your messaging. (Next Slide) REFORM Drive Innovation and Improvement INFORM Connect America to its Army, Soldiers for Life LEAD AND INSPIRE Lead Change to Ensure Victory

5 FUNK’S FUNDAMENTALS 1. Always secure yourself first
2. If you can’t talk, you can’t win 3. You can save your own life 4. Simplicity is the most important principle of war 5. Common sense is the most important principle of patrolling 6. Talking isn’t fighting 7. Never fight a fair fight 8. Don’t accept No from someone who can’t say Yes 9. Trust but verify 10. Never be unreachable 11. Never waste good coffee 12. Never take anything for granted 13. Never go anywhere without a knife 14. Never pass up a chance to use a clean bathroom 15. A good idea only becomes great when it is shared 16. There is no such thing as a coincidence 17. When in charge, take charge 18. Good units do routine things routinely 19. Great units master the basics 20. Clean up your own mess 21. PCC/PCI 22. Communication is established lower to higher 23. The higher up the flagpole you go the more your ass shows 24. Ten pats on the back for every one kick in the ass 25. The Army is a people business 26. Humans learn two ways: significant emotional experience and repetition 27. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance 28. Nobody cares how much you know until they know you care 29. Screamer – folks will turn the other way to avoid you. Unpredictable – your team will be confused. Calm and resolute – your Soldiers will look for the disappointment in your voice and seek to avoid it 30. Love the one you are with; whatever unit and job you have, it is the best in the Army. If not so, make it so. 31. Balance and moderation – don’t confuse enthusiasm with capability 32. High standards, positive outlook, and excellence are contagious 33. You are a professional, a professional athlete warrior, in a profession of arms, carrying your national colors – be proud, train, and act like one 34. If you think you are important try ordering around someone else’s dog 35. TOPS – Take Other People’s Stuff 36. Don’t let analysis cause paralysis 37. Training schedules are priorities of work tied to a timeline 38. Training is a journey not a destination 39. Leadership is a contact sport; it requires daily interaction 40. Leave the jersey in a better place than you found it

6 Victory starts here!

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