Tackling the College Essay

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1 Tackling the College Essay
An introduction for Cristo Rey seniors

2 Make it Personal Be the main character (or hero) in the story:
Not heroic – You tell a story about your uncle’s life threatening illness. Throughout the story, you describe how you watch as his health deteriorates. Heroic – You tell a story about your mom’s battle with an illness. Through the story, you describe the ways in which you stepped up at home to help your family. You find that you grow tremendously due to this experience. Through the story, show the admissions officers the characteristics that make you a good fit for their school. Guideline #1 Make it Personal

3 Get Specific and “Show. Don’t Tell.”
Good storytellers “show” in order to engage their readers and make them feel as if they are in the middle of the scene. To “show” and put the reader in the scene, use: Sensory details (what do we see, hear, smell feel) A character’s actions, gestures, expressions, etc Dialogue Examples: Tell – “I was not bothered by the scooter accident.” Show – “With blood trickling down my leg and gravel in my mouth, I sprang to my feet, brushed myself off, and asked my dad ‘Can I watch the video?’” Guideline #2 Get Specific and “Show. Don’t Tell.”

4 Answer each part of the essay question!
First, tell your story: Introduce the conflict Develop the rising action Build to a climax Discuss the resolution Then, explain the significance of this story? What did you learn from this experience? How did this experience shape you into the person you are today? How does this story show that you are a good fit for this school? Guideline #3 Answer each part of the essay question!

5 Answer each part of the question!
Common app essay prompts: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome? Guideline #3 (cont’d) Answer each part of the question!

6 Find an appropriate topic!
Your story should focus on recent events (high school) and be about who you are now. The story should feel risky – don’t play it safe and don’t be afraid to reveal something about yourself. If you discuss a sad or emotional story, it should be to demonstrate change or growth (remember: be the hero in the story) Guideline #4 Find an appropriate topic!

7 Final an appropriate topic!
If you are applying to highly selective schools, try to tackle “isms” and social problems (racism, sexism, classicism, immigration, gentrification, etc) through your story. If your grades or academic record needs explaining, your story should address the poor grades that pulled down your gpa. Guideline #4 (cont’d) Final an appropriate topic!


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