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Organization of Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Organization of Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization of Life

2 eco - household ology – study of Ecology – study of the interactions between organisms and the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of their environment

3 Biotic Factors Living components of the environment All things living

4 Abiotic Factors Physical and chemical aspects of the environment
climate, temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, nutrient availability, soil type, sunlight

5 Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere

6 Biosphere Ecosystem Community Population Organism Organ System Organ Tissue Cell

7 Levels of Organization in Ecology
1. Biosphere refers to the thin volume of Earth and its atmosphere that supports life and abiotic factors

8 2. Ecosystem all the living and nonliving things in a particular place Ex. pond, lake, forest

9 3. Community all the interacting organisms living in an area Ex. all the plants, fish, bacteria, algae living in a pond

10 4. Population all the members of a species in one place at one time Ex. All of the deer that live in the Chickamauga Battlefield in 2010

11 5. Organism simplest level of organization refers to individuals of a particular species

12 6. Organ System Two or more organs that work together to carry out related tasks

13 7. Organ A group of tissues that work together to carry out a similar task

14 8. Tissue A group of cells that work together to carry out a similar task

15 9. Cell Basic unit of life

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