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Ecology The relationship among organisms and their environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology The relationship among organisms and their environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology The relationship among organisms and their environment

2 Biosphere The portion of the earth that supports life. The earth and it’s atmosphere.

3 Biotic Factors The living factors in an organism’s environment. Ex: all of the frogs, fish, algae, etc. that reside in a pond.

4 Abiotic Factors The nonliving factors in an organism’s environment. Ex: temp., pH, air or water currents, sunlight, soil type, nutrients available in the soil, amount of precipitation

5 Levels of Organization in Ecology Biosphere  Biome  Ecosystem  Community  Population  Organism

6 Population Organisms of a single species that share the same location at the same time. Ex: deer population in a forest, all of the fish in a pond

7 Community Group of interacting populations that occupy the same area at the same time. Ex: all of the fish, algae, turtles, bacteria, frogs, etc. in a pond.

8 Ecosystem A biological community and all of the abiotic factors that affect it. Ex: all of the organisms in a pond and the soil, water, precipitation, etc.

9 Biome Large group of ecosystems that share the same climate and have similar types of communities. Ex: Desert, tropical rainforest

10 Ecosystem Interactions Habitat = an area where an organism lives Ex: animal residing in hollow log Niche = role a species plays in it’s environment

11 Community Interactions

12 Competition Occurs when more than one organism uses a resource at the same time. Ex: competition for food & water

13 Predation The act of one organism consuming another organism for food. Predator = organism that pursues other organism Prey = organism that is pursued Ex: cat and mouse, Venus fly trap & insects

14 Symbiotic Relationships The close relationship that exists when two or more species live together. Three types: mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.

15 Mutualism The relationship where both species benefit. Ex: Lichens (algae & fungus). Algae provides food for fungus, fungus provides habitat for algae. Ex: Pollination. Pollinators = animals that carry pollen = bees, butterflies, bats, birds.

16 Commensalism Relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is not affected. Ex: clownfish & sea anemone, Spanish moss/oak tree. Spanish moss (flowering plant) grows in oak tree’s branches (habitat).

17 Parasitism One organism benefits/one harmed External Parasites (Ectoparasites): fleas, ticks, etc. Internal Parasites (Endoparasites): Tapeworms, Roundworms

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