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Congratulations! You have your PhD Now what?

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Presentation on theme: "Congratulations! You have your PhD Now what?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Congratulations! You have your PhD Now what?

2 Dr. Abby Wickson-Griffiths, Assistant Professor
Welcome! Dr. david Gregory, Dean Dr. Abby Wickson-Griffiths, Assistant Professor Dr. Robin Evans, Associate Dean (Undergradute)

3 Applying for a position within the Academy

4 Nursing shortage within the Canadian Academy
Canadian Context Nursing shortage within the Canadian Academy Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN, 2018) 14.5% (33/117) of member schools offer a PhD program 2.1% (n=57) tenure track positions are vacant

5 Estimated need: 118 hires (tenure track) in 2018
Canadian Context Estimated need: 118 hires (tenure track) in 2018 2017 = 60 graduates from PhD programs in Canada; 83 retirements Of the 378 faculty engaged in academic studies, 56.6% (n=163) were enrolled in PhD programs

6 Professorate are older compared to clinicians (10 years)
Canadian Context Canadian schools competing for a small (exclusive) pool of qualified applicants. Professorate are older compared to clinicians (10 years) 2006: 7.8% 60+ 2010: 14.9% 2017: 21.9%

7 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Best to apply with PhD “in hand” or at least a defence date confirmed Post-doctorate is also becoming normative among Canadian nursing graduates Focus is on research/scholarship Alignment with job advertisement

8 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Curriculum Vitae (CV): Current and free from spelling/grammatical mistakes Cover letter Prepare! Research and scholarly accomplishments Teaching experience Service

9 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Publications: Essential Peer reviewed journals Lead author carries “weight” Publish while a PhD student (if possible) Publish with supervisor and/or members of your committee Best predictor of long-term publication success is your early publication record.

10 Becoming a Member of the Academy

11 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Scholarship: An Evolving Concept Presentations at conferences Panel presentations; poster presentations Abstracts, proceedings Reviews Invited talks Manucript reviews Books/Book chapters (caution)

12 Becoming a Member of the Academy

13 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Scholarship Continued Grant proposals Web-based pubications; social media Development of teaching materials and methods Clinical series, rounds

14 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Teaching Experience Asset! During graduate studies In classroom and online delivery

15 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Do Your Homework Research your employer Website: Source of information Name of the Dean, Associate Deans, etc. Faculty members; their research Programs/Curriculum What areas and/or courses fit with your expertise and experience?

16 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Letters of Reference Typically, n=3 Choose people who will write you a supportive letter: Ask them directly! Provide them with a copy of your CV and the position advertisement Supervisor(s)

17 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Letters of Reference Professor for whom you were a research assistant and/or a teaching assistant Usually contacted if you a short-listed and/or if offered the position Carry a “heavy weight”

18 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Interview with the Faculty Selections Committee Pre-Interview: SKYPE Presentation of self (professional) Scholarly lecture and/or variants thereof Presentation: Clearly establish expectations!

19 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Interview with the Faculty Selections Committee Teaching philosophy; Teaching experience Potential areas and/or courses you could teach Proposed program of research Professional goals What you can contribute to the organization?

20 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Interview with the Faculty Selections Committee Tell us about yourself? Why are you interested in our organization? What contributions might you make to our organization? Why do you want this position? What are you most significant accomplishments?

21 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Interview with the Faculty Selections Committee What are your short-term and long-term career goals? How would your supervisor describe you? What are your limitations and/or weaknesses? Describe a situation in which you encountered conflict? What happened? What did you do?

22 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Interview with the Faculty Selections Committee What is your definition of leadership? How have you demonstrated leadership? What are the major issues or challenges faced by nurse educators?

23 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Prepare a list of questions Interview, Dean, Associate Dean, Chair, Faculty Selections, Students You are being evaluated or assessed at every moment: Dinner, car rides, coffee breaks, etc. What do you order for dinner? Not Ribs! Will this applicant “fit” with us? Will this community “fit” with you?

24 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Prepare a list of questions Start up funding? Teaching work load? Protected time to focus on research? Other supports for teaching and research? Tenure process? Salary negotiations tend to occur later in the process, i.e., if you are offered a position

25 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Prepare a list of questions How is performance evaluated and how often? What are the primary responsibilities associated with this position? Average number of students per class? Is a teaching assistant provided for larger sized classes?

26 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Prepare a list of questions What about summer teaching? Is it required? How are teachers evaluated? How are students evaluated? How is/was the current curriculum developed? Will I be teaching core courses? How are new faculty mentored?

27 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Interview with the Faculty Selections Committee Committee looks for: Potential to succeed? Ambitious? Energy? Enthusiasm? Demonstrated success Research interests fundable? Good fit with Faculty/School’s areas of research? “Fit” with existing members of the academy?

28 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Public speaking/teaching skills? Can this person teach? Communication skills? Are you scholarly? Are you creative? Potential contributions! Can you answer questions? Organized?

29 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Be yourself! Send “thank you” note

30 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Have a Plan “B” Post-doctoral studies: Research intensive university “Buys” you additional time, further build your CV, develop your professional identity Develop research agenda, publish manuscripts

31 Becoming a Member of the Academy
Where might you start? Where do you want to be in 5 years? Where do you want to be in 10 years?

32 Where Will Your Career Take You?

33 Salaries Nursing Average Salaries [included market supplements at U of R] Assistant Professor Alberta (average years in rank, 7): $114,875 Calgary (average years in rank, 11): $101,975 Manitoba (average years in rank, 7): $103,175 Saskatchewan (average years in rank, 6): $120,000

34 Average: $114,725 Regina (average number of years in rank, 1): $107,875

35 Thank You

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