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Jefferson: Laissez Faire and Judicial Review

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1 Jefferson: Laissez Faire and Judicial Review

2 Jefferson’s Inaugural Address
Jefferson states: “Let us then, fellow citizens, unite with one heart and one mind…Every difference of opinion is not difference of principle… We are all Republican; we are all Federalist.” What does Jefferson mean? A: The country should put aside its political differences for the good of the nation.

3 Laissez Faire: government should not interfere in the economy
Reduced the number of government jobs Reduced the military and its funds Undid the Sedition Act.

4 Judicial Review: the authority of the Supreme Court to strike down unconstitutional laws
William Marbury was appointed judge to the supreme court right before Adam’s left office. James Madison was told to stop commission of Marbury. Supreme court judge, John Marshall decided the court could not help Marbury gain his commission and more importantly established judicial review.

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