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2 Application Work Streams – Finance, Financial Aid & SAR, Human Resources, Registrar & Admissions
Each of the major applications will have their own work stream. Subsequently there will be sub-teams within the work stream that will focus on certain aspects, workflows, end-user testing, and functionality within respective application(s). Each team will lead the implementation of the relevant application. However, it is critical that the teams be aware of “dependent activities” of the other applications.

3 Key Deliverables for each application work stream:
Review of existing business processes. Definition of new processes focusing on industry best practices to guide the team’s work. System testing for institutional readiness end user testing. Assist in assessment of training needs and support training activities for users.

4 Work Stream: Chart of Accounts (COA)
This work stream will be responsible for developing a new COA for the Banner suite and will focus on defining a common set of rules and definition of COA elements and consistent application across the institution for all applications. Additionally, they will look to simplify and, in some cases, eliminate redundant and unnecessary codes/structures.

5 Key Deliverables: Definitions for all COA elements.
Recommendations for consistent application of elements. Coordination with the Office of University Budget in their budget model initiative. The COA must be based on industry best practices and facilitate budgeting and accounting consistent with GAAP, GASB, and NACUBO standards and facilitate ease of reporting and analytics.

6 Work Stream: System Configuration and Implementation
Work Stream will be responsible for defining a stable environment for all four applications. They will develop/modify all necessary interfaces. In addition, prepare for role base access in concert with the appropriate HR functional teams.

7 Key Deliverables: Configuration of new environments.
Participate in the assessment of the current Banner modifications and perform the required changes for approved modiications. Convert all the existing external interfaces and integrations to the application. Develop the crosswalk between old and new data elements. Conversion of existing data into the dataset. Lead all testing activities.

8 Work Stream: Business Intelligence Reporting
This work stream will be responsible for developing the methodology for reporting and data access for the Banner administrative application suite. The team will develop a number of critical institutional reports, which will require migration due to process or element changes. Additionally, they will develop and make available to the University community an ad hoc reporting environment.

9 Key Deliverables: Certain Institutional reports.
Develop an institutional toolkit for ad hoc reporting and generation and data querying.

10 Work Stream: Role Definition and Security Access
This work stream will be responsible for redefining the way that security access is granted for Banner.

11 Key Deliverables: Examine current user security access/profiles.
Develop streamlines security profile structure. Prepare for role-based access in concert with appropriate functional teams.

12 Work Stream: Marketing, Change Management and Communication
This work stream will be responsible for developing a change management plan to include tools and techniques to manage the people side of change to achieve the required business result. In addition, this work stream will be responsible for determining the communication approach to engage and continually inform of all university stakeholders. Methods will include, but are not limited to website, forums, town halls, newsletters and .

13 Key Deliverables: Stakeholder analysis. Change impact analysis.
Change readiness checklist change readiness survey. Change management and communication plans.

14 Business Process Review/Reengineering:
This work stream will be responsible for providing business process review and reengineering support to identified work streams throughout the project life cycle.

15 Key Deliverables: Develop BPR approach
Create business process analysis work plan. Facilitate BPA sessions and utilize tools (e.g., templates, flowcharts, works distribution chart, benchmarking, customer analysis) that can be used throughout project and on-going to standardize and document business process descriptions for management and users.

16 Work Stream: Training/Skill Enhancement & Policy
This work Stream will be responsible for assessing, developing and implementing a training framework to ensure that end users have the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully operate within the new environment, resulting from the Banner reimplementation. Policy Review and Updates – in partnership with fellow work streams, support the development or modification of appropriate policies related to the reimplementation of Banner.

17 Key Deliverables: Develop training plan to support each phase of the project, with specific tools to enable various learner groups to achieve project goals with increased capacity and capability throughout the project life cycle. Overall training platform - pre and post project period, should include the following: Training objectives – increase knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors of target audience. Comprehensive Training Program – inclusive of learning units, courses, practical experiences, evaluation methods to accommodate different learning styles. Implementation Plan – execute a sustainable and scalable training program that offers different training modes for pre-service (i.e., new-hire), on-site job training, workshops and continuing professional development or modification of appropriate policies related to the reimplementation of Banner.

18 Banner Reimplementation Project
Thank You Banner Reimplementation Project


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