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“Imperialism in Latin America”

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1 “Imperialism in Latin America”

2 The Beginning of Involvement
Late 1800’s: U.S. & Europe buying products from Latin America U.S. & Europe begin to invest money into Latin America 1. build factories, mines, & mills 2. ranches 3. plantations Latin American countries allow foreigners to buy land & spend money Goal: boost their economies Outcome: many borrow money to fund internal projects Outcome: cannot repay loan = troops sent to claim loan/land by force

3 Spanish-American War 1898 disagreement between U.S. & Spain over Cuba
(Cubans unhappy w/Spain, Cuban rebellion failed, business threatened) 1898 USS Maine explodes in Havana, Cuba (Spain is blamed & Americans upset, Spain wants to avoid war but not leave Cuba) April 1898 U.S. declares war on Spain (Spanish-American War) May st battle in Philippines (Spain defeated) July 1898 battle moves to Cuba (Spain defeated by Rough Riders Teddy Roosevelt) December 1898 Treaty of Paris ends war (Spain gives up Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, & Guam to U.S.)

4 U.S. troops occupy Cuba B Cuba creates constitution 1. ***Platt Amendment***- Added by: U.S. America has right to: - intervene in Cuba - keep a naval base

5 The Panama Canal Background: 1. Pacific to Atlantic= 13,000 miles
French attempt to build canal in 1800’s in Panama= failure U.S. become interested but Columbia will not lease land to U.S. 1. Business leaders in Panama revolt against Columbian rule 2. U.S. support revolution with navy Outcome: Panama wins independence & Columbia is angry! and grant U.S. rights to build canal

6 D. Construction starts 1904 and completed in 1914 Outcomes: 1
D. Construction starts 1904 and completed in 1914 Outcomes: 1. cuts travel by 8,000 miles 2. saved on shipping costs ’s die during construction (disease/accidents)


8 Roosevelt Corollary In 1904 President Teddy Roosevelt adds to the Monroe Doctrine: “states that if the independence of a Latin American country were in danger, the U.S. would act to prevent it” and “states U.S. has the right to stabilize the economic affairs Latin America” Prevent European powers from collecting debts in the west. It was feared that those nations might come as creditors, but remain as occupying powers

9 Outcome: 1. Anger in Latin America 2. Future U.S. intervention

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