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Help me get to know your child!

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Presentation on theme: "Help me get to know your child!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Help me get to know your child!
Index Card: Write your child’s first and last name and period. Please tell me something I should know about your child!

2 Laura Mize Welcome to U.S. History!
Please feel free to me if you ever have any questions or concerns!

3 Place your screenshot here
Please Subscribe! Place your screenshot here Weekly Schedule Important Reminders Due Dates

4 American History Units
Fall U.S. Regions and Geography Exploration & Colonization Causes of the American Revolution American Revolution Constitution and A New Government Spring Westward Expansion Growth of Industry and Agriculture Reform Sectionalism, Civil War and Reconstruction 20th Century and Modern America

5 States and Capitals 5th graders are responsible for learning the 50 states and capitals. We break them into four sets, one each nine weeks, to make it easier. Students should study states and capitals for minutes a few times a week. They have resources in Google Classroom and their INB to help.

6 Google Classroom Most work, unit materials, and extra study resources can be found in Google Classroom. Go to: Sign in with your TISD Username: Password: tisdbirthdate (Example: tisd ) If you are signed into a personal Gmail account, you must sign out and sign in with your TISD account (directions above).

7 Homework Your child will not receive regular nightly homework in my class. Any homework will be in the form of projects, test reviews, and classwork they did not finish. However, they should be studying the states and capitals at home a few times a week. Tutoring I offer tutoring any morning other than Wednesday at 7:20. Your child is responsible for signing up for tutoring and getting a pass. Tutoring is offered Monday and Wednesday mornings with Mr. Kelley and Thursday and Friday with Ms. Seagroves.

8 Supplies Needed Composition Book (INB) Pencils/Sharpener
Colored Pencils Glue Sticks Scissors Erasers I recommend buying extra glue sticks, pencils, and scissors now, while supplies are on clearance. Your child will need more by December.

9 District Guidelines Grading Policy Late Work Policy Absent Work
40% Daily Grades 6 per grading period (includes classwork, checkpoints, quizzes, and warmups) 60% Major Grades 3 per grading period (includes projects and assessments) Late Work Policy 1 Day= -10 Points 2 Days= -20 Points 3 Days= Zero Pay attention to due dates and encourage them to use their planner! It is IMPERATIVE that your child come in the morning to makeup missed or incomplete work! Absent Work Absent students are responsible for making up their work! They get one extra day for each day missed. They should look on my website and in Google Classroom to see what they missed. They can also come see me in the morning.

10 We are going to have a great year! Thanks for coming!

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