Unplugging Pornography – Equipping Parents and Teachers Fight the New Drug, and Helping Students Stay Pure Alina Dumitrescu, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Unplugging Pornography – Equipping Parents and Teachers Fight the New Drug, and Helping Students Stay Pure Alina Dumitrescu, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unplugging Pornography – Equipping Parents and Teachers Fight the New Drug, and Helping Students Stay Pure Alina Dumitrescu, PhD

2 Definition Pornography can be defined as sexually explicit text, pictures, videos, and audio materials designed, produced and distributed for the purpose of sexual enticement, excitement and gratification (Hinman, ).

3 Statistics 4.2 million pornographic websites (12% of all websites in the world) Every day, there are 68 million search engine requests for pornographic material (25% of all search engine requests) Every second 28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet 64% of men and 41% of women admit to openly watching pornography 27% of Christian men and 6% of Christian women watch pornography at least twice a month 57% of pastors & 64% of youth pastors admit to have struggled with porn either currently/in the past Pornography use increases the marital infidelity rate by more than 300% Average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 10 and less Primary pornography consumer group is boys between the ages 12-18


5 Who is at risk? Adolescent children (as young as 11 years of age)
Males College Students Children/youth that were raised in Christian families with ultra-authoritarian tendencies People with low self-esteem, severely distorted body image, prior sexual dysfunction

6 Risk factors for college students
Free and unlimited internet access Freedom from parental interference/control Escapism Social intimidation/alienation and need for intimacy

7 Consequences of viewing pornography
Decrease in gray matter Increased violence Erectile dysfunction in males Feelings of physical inferiority in women Depression More likely to engage in delinquent and high-risk sexual behaviors High risk of divorce Loss of jobs Involvement in child pornography and sex trafficking



10 Suggestions for family and school personnel
Be proactive Teach character education and media literacy Keep calm but be firm and gentle Teach about God’s plan for intimacy and wholeness Teach reverence for the human body and respect for others’ feelings and needs Love the child/teen/young person, hate the sin Equip and train teachers and parents Refer

11 Software Blocks/Filters
Software blockers: Net Nanny K9 Web Protection WebWatcher App for smartphones, iPod Touch and iPad: Covenant Eyes

12 Resources for young people
Good pictures bad pictures: porn proofing today’s young kids, by Kristen A. Jenson & Gail Poyner Breaking the silence: a pastor goes public about his battle with pornography, by Bernie Anderson Every young man’s battle – strategies for victory in the real world or sexual temptation, by Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker Every young woman’s battle – guarding your mind, heart and body in a sex saturated world, by Shannon Ethridge & Stephen, Arterburn The seven habits of highly effective teens, by Sean Covey The 6 most important decisions you’ll ever make: a guide for teens updated for the digital age, by Sean Covey

13 Resources for educators and parents
Books: The impact of pornography on children, youth and culture, by Cordelia Anderson The porn trap: the essential guide to overcoming problems caused by pornography, by Wendy & Larry Maltz Treating pornography addiction: the essential tools for recovery, by Kevin B. Skinner Wired for intimacy: how pornography hijacks the male brain, by William Struthers

14 Resources for educators and parents
Articles: Archer, C. Austin. Biological aspects of addictive behavior. Journal of Adventist Education, April/May 2016, pp Hinman, Brad. No more secrets: talking with children and young adults about pornography. Journal of Adventist Education, April/May 2016, pp Melgosa, Julian. Understanding behavioral addictions. Journal of Adventist Education, April/May 2016, pp. 4-7. Movies: Fireproof

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