BUSINESS PLAN NSW Country Table Tennis League

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1 BUSINESS PLAN NSW Country Table Tennis League
OUR VALUES Table Tennis is a world sport hence we value all people of all ages, no matter what race or religion, no matter what their ability or limitations may be NSW Country Table Tennis League VISION We are successful when To have a soundly managed and viable league Our association members recognise the quality of the competitions we provide Our players receive value for money when they participate The local communities in which we participate value our presence and we provide a useful input into the local economy Table Tennis NSW respects us as an equal partner in the table tennis community. OUR MISSION To provide the best Table Tennis opportunities for the country associations Our Objectives are:- To continue using Niagara Park, Gosford as our key playing facility To improve the participation in table tennis in the country areas. To develop player and volunteer standards Seek opportunities attract top class players to the play country activities Responsible financial management Facilities Participation Development Exposure Finance Our Strategies are:- Challenge team matches against other Associations hosted throughout country NSW Coaching sessions conducted in regional areas. Host visiting teams from interstate and /or overseas Encourage more tournaments in country areas Continue to support Central Coast in the use of Niagara Park as a table tennis facility. Continue to buy barriers and provide a financial levy to allow for upgrades to tables and equipment. Encourage TTNSW or TTA to hold events there Create a country league web site Set up a social media site. Seek to promote the League and encourage new groups to form in the country areas. Promote the new groups to target audiences. Consider appointing a Development Officer/Coach for the League. Provide coaching of players. Provide financial assistance to develop coaches. Provide financial assistance players to develop skills. Seek on-going sponsorship Increase revenue Seek government grants where applicable Key measures of our success are:- Our numbers of players in the country areas increase each year. New clubs and associations are formed in country areas. We attract top class players to the Country Championships. City vs Country successfully conducted each year. Coaching clinics/ tournaments held Host visiting teams Send representative teams to others States or championships overseas Continuation of sponsorship. We continue to expand our revenue base. Reserves are invested in interest bearing funds. Funds are used to “promote” the sport in country areas or country activities We achieve in excess of 50 teams playing at the Country Championships. City vs Country held each year. A National event is held there. We assist in developing new coaches and volunteers. Country players are selected For NSW/Australian teams February 12

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