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The Persuasive Essay.

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Presentation on theme: "The Persuasive Essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Persuasive Essay

2 Objective Today we will write a persuasive essay.

3 Terms for Review What is a Persuasive Essay?
An essay that presents a point of view and a counter point of view with the intent to persuade or convince.

4 Terms for Review Just the Facts for Persuasive Compositions
Definitions Issue a topic on which people hold different, and often strong, opinions

5 Just the Facts for Persuasive Compositions
Topic Sentence/ Thesis Statement: - a sentence that states the topic of a composition and the writer’s opinion about the topic. IVF: identify the topic/ choose a verb/ finish the thought

6 Just the Facts for Persuasive Compositions
Argument: - the writer’s presentation of reasons and evidence to prove the validity of the thesis

7 Just the Facts for Persuasive Compositions
Counterargument: the writer’s acknowledgement that other people may not share the same opinion

8 Just the Facts for Persuasive Compositions
Transitions: words or phrases that show how sentences or ideas connect to each other

9 Just the Facts for Persuasive Compositions
Public voice: - a more formal use of the language than everyday speech, the language of business and news reporting; the opposite is private voice, the language between friends, often involving slang and incomplete sentences

10 Organization The persuasive composition has a specific organizational pattern: Thesis – Argument – Counterargument – Rebuttal – Conclusion

11 The Prompt Should HSS invite Mark Savard to do a presentation at the school?

12 Outline Thesis = Soccer is the ideal sport for children Conclusion
--every position has a job --everyone must work together to win argument teaches teamwork counter too intimidating for some --physically smaller --not as athletic rebuttal learning teamwork necessary --work together well home school Conclusion

13 Paragraph One:Thesis Hook + History+ Thesis Statement
Hook- Parents often wonder what is the best sport for children to play. History/Background- Sports are an important part of growing up. Thesis-Although there are many sports, I believe soccer is an ideal sport for children

14 Transitions for counterargument:
I will admit Certainly, Of course, I will concede Admittedly, Obviously,

15 Transitions for rebuttal:
However, On the other hand, Nevertheless, Conversely, Yet, Still,

16 Evaluate A clear thesis statement? Obvious organization?
Strong transitions? Specific examples & evidence? A memorable conclusion?

17 Closure What are the 5 parts of a persuasive essay?
Thesis, argument, counter- argument, rebuttal, and conclusion Give examples of transitions for each part:

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