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2 What am I going to do with my future?
Welcome to College! You are part of an growing group of high school students that are considering this question earlier than most: What am I going to do with my future? What are your ideas? Where do you want to be in 10 years? How old will you be? What kind of job will you be doing? These plans can be 2 things…. They can be dreams or they can be goals.

3 “What do you need to do make a dream into a goal
“What do you need to do make a dream into a goal? - You have to put some plans together:

Dreams are something you are just thinking about. Dreams can go on forever. In fact, many people maintain dreams their entire lives without ever reaching them. You need to turn your dreams into action. Dreams stretch your imagination. Dreams ONLY require your imagination Dreams can inspire you. Always dream big! Goals are all about action. Goals turn dreams into reality. Goals have a time limit and a finish line. Goals stretch you. They increase your skills, your abilities, and they widen, deepen and broaden your knowledge and experience. Goals require hard work. You need goals to make the visions of your dreams real. Goals can change you and change your life. … make sure your goals are just as big as your dreams! Setting goals and making plans are the first steps in turning the invisible into the visible.

5 Goals: Pathway to your future
Goal: Earn college credits while still attending high school. Goal: Fulfill high school graduation requirements and build a college transcript. Goal: Graduate from high school with up to one semester (15 credit hours), one year (30 credit hours), or your first college degree (60 credit hours). Goal: Transfer the AA degree into a university and complete a BA degree. You have all decided that you have some goals in common / You all have these long term goals

6 Begin with the end in mind
What is a credit hour? How many credit hours in an Associate Degree? How many credits are general education courses? How much time? How many classes? What type of classes? How many semesters to a degree? A little bit more about long term goals. STEP 1: First, set goals- decide what you want! STEP 2: Then create a plan that breaks them down into specific steps, Ask yourself: “What specific actions must I take in order to achieve the outcome or result that I am committed to?” The building blocks of college – Credits – are small steps toward your goal. The biggest problem that you may have – that may prevent you from accomplishing your biggest goals is that you’re not thinking small enough. Yes, you heard me correctly: You aren’t thinking SMALL enough. Don’t think about the entire degree plan… just take one small step at a time with the courses you have this semester. Don’t think about 60 credit hours or 120 credit hours. How many credit hours in a 4 year degree? What about graduate and professional degrees?

7 Attend college early 42% more likely to earn BA on time!
Develop time management skills Resilience Critical thinking Ownership of your future Persist in reaching your goals Concurrent students excel at all tiers of higher education and return as college sophomores at very high rates (88%) Reduce time in college to earn degrees 30% more likely to earn BA 42% more likely to earn BA on time! Here are some research results about other high school students who have already been in your place. They had the same goals that you have. Here are some of the results they notes as they worked toward their goas.

8 What is a Cohort? Having a Support Team Matters
Impact of community: people you learn with and from A group of people banded together or treated as a group People learn better in groups when they study in groups Build community Foster creativity Build leadership skills Encourage greater progress Develop life skills, workplace skills, and community skills Now, that we know our goal…. And what it takes to make a dream into a goal, And you know the little steps to a degree. Let’s look at the next part of turning this dream into a goal. STEP 3: Commit! Take the steps! Take action! The path to receiving your goal is to take massive, determined action; YOU are at a huge advantage…b/c you are going to commit and take action as a cohort. What is a cohort? (Slide) Every action you take will create some result….. Actions turn into results, that’s another step of turning dreams into goals… NOW you have to check these results, notice what's working or not. Look at the consequences, learn from them. Again, as a cohort – you have the advantage of not only your actions, but other people’s actions… you can learn from each other. For example… how others study, how others turn in assignments. Then, if you're not getting the results you want, change your approach, until you achieve what you want. We aren’t going to have you figure this out by yourselves…. We are going to give you a head start by sharing with you some of the ACTIONS that other students have learned that create successful results.

9 You’re in College! You are a TCC student during your class
No Parent Teacher Conferences Communicate and then Communicate! You are your own advocate No high school classes does not mean no TCC classes Weather? Check Bb and the local news Sign up for high school text messages Read your syllabus Use a calendar Go to Class Track your grades This list is some of the things that other students have learned….

10 College costs… Tuition Fees Total tuition and fees $ 828.00
$ per 3 credit hour course $ tuition/ 2 courses Fees $88.35 per 3 credit hour course $ fees / 2 courses Total tuition and fees $ Textbooks, access codes, materials Tuition waivers: Seniors, 18 credit hours in the senior year $1, credit hours tuition senior year Juniors, 6 credit hours each semester $3, Total tuition waived for 36 credit hours College is different than high school in many ways, for example, college is not free.

11 Syllabus Workshop Course information
Syllabus Attachment on Bb: college policies Professor contact and office hours Department contact Readings and texts Communication Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Assignments Evaluation: Points and grading scale Professor policies Absences Late work penalties Assignment submission Blackboard (Bb) Cancellation policy and important dates Student Handbook/ Code of Conduct Student support services Plagiarism and academic misconduct Course outline The course syllabus contains many items that can help you be successful. Get the syllabus (on the table) and grab a partner – let’s see what the syllabus says that will help you.

12 Grades CHECK…your grades ARE yours Weekly
After every major graded assignment Track your points 2. ASK…Unsure? / talk to your professor Consult your syllabus Check Blackboard daily 3. SHARE…stay eligible With your counselor (ask your counselor for day/time at your school) With your parents – accountability is good! Grades are also different in college. Only you and the professor normally see your grades. Is that good? Maybe not…

13 Ask your high school counselor first!
Textbooks CLASSES: TCC campus/ off-campus/high school? Ask your high school counselor first! Resources: - Read your syllabus your professor Go to the bookstore Search Follett at Rent online Books are another expense of college.

14 Class Schedules Monday &Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday 1:20 long
Check your schedule on MYTCC before you leave orientation Need help? Now? Ask us! Later? Go to your high school counselor Online resources @ Search: Counselor’s Corner Call TCC at Even college class schedules are different. Classes do not meet every day of the week. This is a lot of information today – especially if this is your first semester. What should you do if you need help next week?

15 Resources + You = Success
Your TCC syllabus and Calendar (be mindful of deadlines) TCC campus resources: Writing lab, math lab, tutors, and advisors Professors High school teachers and counselors High school principal and assistant principal Your parents Cohort classmates MYTCC and Blackboard You have what we like to call “the dream team”. There is no better time in your life to make this transition into college. Let’s look at the resources and people available to help you…

16 “It’s only a dream till you write it down, and then it’s a goal
“It’s only a dream till you write it down, and then it’s a goal.” Emmit Smith

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