Business Validation Rule Changes

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1 2018-2019 Business Validation Rule Changes
Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. Business Validation Rule Changes July/August 2018 Presented by: Michele Elledge

2 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules - ECDS Business Validation Rules - Organization Business Validation Rules - Staff Business Validation Rules - Student HB 674 – Out-of-School Suspensions

3 Business Validation Rules Introduction
Business Validation Rules are added, revised, and/or deleted due to Legislation, Quality assurance discoveries, Support questions, or Program area requests

4 Business Validation Rules Introduction
The following slides provide a high-level view of miscellaneous validation rule changes that have occurred since spring training. A detailed list of all changes can be found in the Section 5 / 8.5 Change Logs.

5 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules - ECDS Business Validation Rules - Organization Business Validation Rules - Staff Business Validation Rules - Student HB 674 – Out-of-School Suspensions

6 Business Validation Rules – ECDS 10010-0016
For each Local Education Agency’s data submission, if at least one KG student is reported (student school association data with GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "KG"), then there must be Kindergarten Assessment Metadata data reported where REPORT-ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS – KG". In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

7 Business Validation Rules – ECDS 10020-0035
If the last three digits of DISTRICT-ID are "960" (Private PK data), then ORGANIZATION- CATEGORY on School data must be "School" and CAMPUS-GRADES-OFFERED must be "Preschool/Prekindergarten". In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

8 Business Validation Rules – ECDS 10020-0039
For each campus registered with the TEA in the current school year as an active instructional campus that offers GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "KG", if at least one student is reported at that campus (student school association data with GRADE- LEVEL-CODE "KG"), then Campus data must be reported. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

9 Business Validation Rules – ECDS 10200-0040
For each campus registered with the TEA in the current school year as an active instructional campus that offers GRADELEVEL- CODE "PK", if at least one student is reported at that campus (student school association data with GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "PK"), then Campus data must be reported. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

10 Business Validation Rules – ECDS 10020-0045 (Revision)
If the last three digits of DISTRICT-ID are "960" (Private PK data), then there must be data reported for the campus itself. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

11 Business Validation Rules – ECDS 10020-0046
If the last three digits of DISTRICT-ID are "960" (Private PK data), then for each campus reported to ECDS, staff data should be reported. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

12 Business Validation Rules – ECDS (Revisions) 10020-0047 (Revision)
If the last three digits of DISTRICT-ID are "960" (Private PK data), then for each campus reported to ECDS, student data should be reported. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

13 Business Validation Rules – ECDS 10050-0002
For this Course Section, if the Course is for SERVICE-ID " " reported for ECDS, then the following fields must not be blank: PK-CURRICULA, HIGH-QUALITY-PK- PROGRAMINDICATOR, STUDENT- INSTRUCTION, PK-SCHOOL-TYPE, and PROGRAM-EVALUATION-TYPE. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

14 Business Validation Rules – ECDS 30305-0019
For a given Course Section, if the Course is for the PreKindergarten SERVICE-ID ( ) or a Kindergarten SERVICE-ID, then there must be at least one teacher section association with CLASS-ROLE of "01". In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

15 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(New) For reporting student data, STUDENT- IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM for STUDENT-ID must be "State". In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

16 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision) For each student reported by the LEA, if there is a student assessment reported with REPORT-ASSESSMENT-TYPE of "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS - KG", then there must be student section association data with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

17 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision) For each student reported by the LEA, if there is a student assessment reported with REPORT-ASSESSMENT-TYPE of "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS - KG", then there must be enrollment (student school association) data with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

18 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision & new number) If the student assessment REPORT- ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS - PK", then the student's September 1 age should be at least 4. (Revision & new number) If the student assessment REPORT- ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS - KG", then the student's September 1 age should be at least 5. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

19 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision & new number) If the last three digits of DISTRICT-ID are "960" (Private PK data), then for each student reported, there must be student cohort (student cohort association) data with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

20 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision) If the last three digits of DISTRICT-ID are "960" (Private PK data), then the following fields must not be blank: PK-SCHOOL-TYPE, STUDENT-INSTRUCTION, LIMITED-ENGLISH- PROFICIENCY, and ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE- CODE. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

21 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision) If the student assessment REPORT- ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS - KG", then HOME-ROOM-INDICATOR must not be blank on student section associations. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

22 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision) If the last three digits of DISTRICT-ID are "960" (Private PK data), then ENTRY-GRADE-LEVEL- TYPE must be "Preschool/Prekindergarten", and PK-SCHOOL-TYPE must be "Other", "Non- Public Pre-K Head Start", or "Non-Public Pre-K Licensed Child Care". In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

23 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision) If HOME-ROOM-INDICATOR is reported (not blank), then there must be a student assessment with REPORT-ASSESSMENT-TYPE of "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS - KG". In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

24 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision) If the student assessment REPORT- ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS - KG", for a particular TX-UNIQUES-TUDENT-ID, there must be one and only one student section association where assessment ADMINISTRATION-DATE is greater than or equal to STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE and less than or equal to STUDENT-END-DATE, and HOME- ROOM-INDICATOR is "1". In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

25 42400-0028 (New) Business Validation Rules – ECDS 42400-0027 (New)
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then PK- PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be blank or "00". (New) If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and PK- PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "01" or "03", then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE should be blank. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

26 42400-0030 (New) Business Validation Rules – ECDS 42400-0029 (New)
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then PK- PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be blank or "00". (New) If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and SECONDARY- PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE is not blank, then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must not be blank. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

27 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(Revision) If REPORT-ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS - KG', then for the reported ASSESSMENT-TITLE and ACADEMIC-SUBJECT, if there is a minimum score and maximum score defined in TEDS Section 10, then the SCORE- RESULT must be either -999, or greater than or equal to the score minimum and less than or equal to the score maximum. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

28 Business Validation Rules – ECDS
(New) If REPORT-ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS – KG”, then there must be student data with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

29 60010-0003 (Revision) Business Validation Rules – ECDS
If REPORT-ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS - KG", then for the reported ASSESSMENT-TITLE, the ACADEMIC-SUBJECT must be one of the valid values listed on the assessment reference table (DC154) documented in TEDS Section 10. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

30 60010-0007 (Revision) Business Validation Rules – ECDS
If REPORT-ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS - KG", then PERFORMANCE-LEVEL- DESCRIPTOR-DESCRIPTION must be "ECDS". In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

31 60010-0008 (Revision) Business Validation Rules – ECDS
If REPORT-ASSESSMENT-TYPE is "ECDS - PK" or "ECDS - KG", then for the reported ASSESSMENT-TITLE, the ASSESSMENT- IDENTIFICATION-CODE must match the value listed on the assessment reference table (DC154) documented in TEDS Section 10. In order to align with Section 10 – Early Childhood Data System, multiple ECDS rules have been added, deleted, or revised.

32 2018-2019 Business Validation Rules - ECDS
Please note the following Validation Rule deletions pertaining to ECDS:

33 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules - ECDS Business Validation Rules - Organization Business Validation Rules - Staff Business Validation Rules - Student HB 674 – Out-of-School Suspensions

34 Business Validation Rules - Organization
(Revision) If CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE is "02" (Missed School Waiver Day), then SCHOOL- DAY-WAIVER-MINUTES should generally be

35 Business Validation Rules - Organization
(Revision) If SCHOOL-DAY-EVENT-CODE is "02" (Waiver Day), then CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE must be "01", "02", "04", "05", or "99".

36 Business Validation Rules - Organization
(Revision) REPORTING-PERIOD-END-DATE must be greater than or equal to REPORTING-PERIOD- BEGIN-DATE. (New) REPORTING-PERIOD-END-DATE should be greater than REPORTING-PERIOD-BEGIN-DATE. Reporting Period Begin and End Date are generally not the same date, but could be in certain circumstances. Calendar Dates must fall within the Begin and End Dates for a Reporting Period.

37 Business Validation Rules - Organization
(New) For a particular Reporting Period (CAMPUS-ID, SCHOOL-YEAR, REPORTING-PERIOD- INDICATOR-CODE, and INSTRUCTIONALTRACK- INDICATOR-CODE), each CALENDAR-DATE referenced must be on or after the REPORTING-PERIOD-BEGIN-DATE and on or before the REPORTING-PERIOD-END-DATE. Reporting Period Begin and End Date are generally not the same date, but could be in certain circumstances. Calendar Dates must fall within the Begin and End Dates for a Reporting Period.

38 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules - ECDS Business Validation Rules - Organization Business Validation Rules - Staff Business Validation Rules - Student HB 674 – Out-of-School Suspensions

39 Business Validation Rules – Staff
(New) If ROLE-ID is a value other than "033" or "036", then there must be at least one staff payroll with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID where OBJECT-CODE is "6119" or "6112".

40 Business Validation Rules – Staff
(New) If SERVICE-ID is not a high school course, then COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE must be "A".

41 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules - ECDS Business Validation Rules - Organization Business Validation Rules - Staff Business Validation Rules - Student HB 674 – Out-of-School Suspensions

42 Business Validation Rules – Student
(New) For a particular TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, there must be one and only one Enrollment (Student School Association). Student School Association data is reported for the following time frame: Submission 1 enrolled students – on the Fall snapshot date Submission 1 leavers – last values available for the student Submission 3 and 4 – last values on the last campus the student was enrolled.

43 Business Validation Rules – Student
(Revision & new number) For each student school association, there must be Attendance or Flexible Attendance data reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE- STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE. This check for Flexible Attendance is moved from being a Student data driven rule to being driven from Student School Association data.

44 Business Validation Rules – Student
(Revision; Only) For a particular TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, if TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than 0, then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1". For , TELPAS scores will not be available until August 15, For this year only, a student who is not marked as LEP may report bilingual/ESL attendance.

45 Business Validation Rules – Student
(Revision) If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is not "00" or blank, and STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is not "07", then there should be Special Education Attendance or Special Education Flexible Attendance with a matching TX- UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, or Attendance with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED- MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than 0, or Flexible Attendance with a matching TX-UNIQUE- STUDENT-ID where FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED- MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is greater than 0. Special education students with disciplinary actions should generally be reported with special education attendance of some kind.

46 Business Validation Rules – Student
(Revision) If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "27", and STUDENT- ATTRIBUTION-CODE is not “07”, then there should be Special Education Attendance or Special Education Flexible Attendance with a matching TX-UNIQUE- STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, or Attendance with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than 0, or Flexible Attendance with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD- INDICATOR-CODE where FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED- MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is greater than 0. If a mandatory discipline action is not taken for a special education student, that student should generally be reported with special education attendance of some kind.

47 Business Validation Rules – Student
(Revision) If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"11", then FHSP- PARTICIPANT-CODE should be "1" on the student’s graduation program intention data. Students in grades "09"-"11" generally should be reported as currently pursuing the Foundation High School Program.

48 Business Validation Rules – Student
(Revision) If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "12", then FHSP- PARTICIPANT-CODE should be "2" on the student’s graduation program intention data. Students in grades "12" generally should be reported as having completed the Foundation High School Program.

49 Business Validation Rules – Student
(Revision) CAMPUS-ID should match a CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT on the student’s highest REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE on Attendance or Flexible Attendance data. CAMPUS-ID is the campus the student was enrolled in on the last day of enrollment during the current school year. Under unique circumstances where a student is returning from an alternative education setting to their regular assigned campus, this CAMPUS-ID may not match attendance data.

50 50300-0013 (New) Business Validation Rules – Student 43415-0070 (New)
If SERVICE-ID is not a high school course, then COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE must be "A". (New) The first is for the student academic record & the second is for course section.

51 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction Business Validation Rules - ECDS Business Validation Rules - Organization Business Validation Rules - Staff Business Validation Rules - Student HB 674 – Out-of-School Suspensions

52 Out-of-School Suspensions (HB 674)
HB 674, passed during the 85th Legislative session (2017), amends Texas Education Code TEC to limit the conditions under which a student below grade three may be placed in an out-of-school suspension (OSS).

53 Out-of-School Suspensions (HB 674)
A student who is enrolled in a grade level below grade three may not be placed in out- of-school suspension unless, while on school property or while attending a school- sponsored or school-related activity on or off of school property, the student engages in: Conduct that contains the elements of an offense related to weapons under Section or Penal Code;

54 Out-of-School Suspensions (HB 674)
Conduct that contains the elements of a violent offense under Section 22.01, , , or Penal Code; Selling, giving, or delivering to another person or possessing, using, or being under the influence of any amount of: Marihuana or controlled substance, A dangerous drug, or An alcoholic beverage.

55 Business Validation Rules – Student
(New) If this student’s GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “EE”, “PK”, “KG”, “01”, or “02”, and DISCIPLINARY- ACTION-CODE is “05” or “25”, then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE must be "04", "05", "11", "12", "13", "14", "27", "28”, "29", “30”, "31", or “32”. The first is for the student academic record & the second is for course section.

56 Out-of-School Suspensions (HB 674)
04 - Possessed, Sold, Used, Or Was Under The Influence Of Marihuana Or Other Controlled Substance – TEC §§ (a)(2)(C) and (b) 05 - Possessed, Sold, Used, Or Was Under The Influence Of An Alcoholic Beverage – TEC §§37.006(a)(2)(D) and (b) 11 – Brought a Firearm to School - TEC (e) or Unlawful Carrying of a Handgun under Penal Code TEC (a)(1)

57 Out-of-School Suspensions (HB 674)
12 – Unlawful Carrying of a Location- Restricted Knife under Penal Code TEC (a)(1) (Location-Restricted Knife - blade longer than 5.5 inches) 13 – Unlawful Carrying of a Club under Penal Code TEC (a)(1) 14 –Conduct Containing the Elements of an Offense Relating to Prohibited Weapons Under Penal Code TEC (a)(1)

58 Out-of-School Suspensions (HB 674)
27 - Assault Under Penal Code §22.01(a)(1) Against a school district employee or volunteer – TEC §37.007(b)(2)(c) 28 – Assault Under Penal Code §22.01(a)(1) Against someone other than a school district employee or volunteer – TEC §37.006(a)(2)(B) 29- Aggravated Assault Under Penal Code §22.02 Against a school district employee or volunteer – TEC §37.007(d)

59 Out-of-School Suspensions (HB 674)
30 – Aggravated Assault Under Penal Code §22.02 Against someone other than a school district employee or volunteer – TEC § (a)(2)(A) 31 – Sexual Assault Under Penal Code § Or Aggravated Sexual Assault Under Penal Code § Against a school district employee or volunteer – TEC §37.007(d)

60 Out-of-School Suspensions (HB 674)
32 - Sexual Assault Under Penal Code § Or Aggravated Sexual Assault Under Penal Code § Against someone other than a school district employee or volunteer – TEC §37.007(a)(2)(A)

61 Out-of-School Suspensions (HB 674)
Appendix E / 8.E – Additional PEIMS Information Related to Discipline Data Reporting

62 Questions? Questions?

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