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NOTES: First Presidents: Washington, Adams, & Jefferson

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Presentation on theme: "NOTES: First Presidents: Washington, Adams, & Jefferson"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTES: First Presidents: Washington, Adams, & Jefferson

2 George Washington – 1st President

3 What is this painting commemorating?

4 What is this painting commemorating?

5 What is this painting commemorating?

6 Background Commander in Chief: during Revolutionary war Crossing the Delaware  inc in enlistment Valley Forge  boost soldier morale Yorktown Cornwallis surrenders Assisted in Constitutional Convention - elected president ( )

7 Precedents: examples to follow
Selects a Cabinet: leaders of executive departments Alexander Hamilton = secretary of the treasury Thomas Jefferson = sec. of state (foreign relations)

8 2. Supports National Treasury
debt from Rev war federal gov wants to assume (take over) state’s debts Borrow/lend $ to foreign nations 3. Supports Whiskey Tax - to pay off war debt

9 4. Asserts power! – Whiskey Rebellion
rebels close courts and attack collectors Washington sends troops!... 12,000 soldiers i. Gov will not tolerate armed rebellion 5. Neutrality - don’t favor 1 side (not a part of a political party) 6. Steps Down after 2 terms

10 John Adams – 2nd President

11 Background 1. Vice President under Washington
2. Federalist – political party in favor of a strong Federal gov’t

12 Presidency 1. Britain and France @ war
a. Europeans seize contraband (war materials) headed to enemy country 2. Secretary of State goes to France to negotiate 3. XYZ Affair – French agents (X,Y,Z) demand $250,000 to begin negotiations a. Adams = irritated and offended!


14 Give me your cargo!

15 4. Est. peacetime army (10,000 men) and builds Navy
5. Alien & Sedition Acts - laws intended to frighten foreigners a. Alien - Pres could deport/imprison “dangerous” aliens (foreigners) b. Sedition - Forbade people from writing/speaking out against government

16 1800 Election Results Adams Jefferson

17 Thomas Jefferson - 3rd President

18 Background 1. Secretary of State under Washington
2. Democratic Republican – political party opposed to strong Federal gov’t Small government!

19 Presidency 1. Louisiana Purchase – buys 828,000 sq miles for $15 million a. Doubles size of nation b. Gain control of the Mississippi River

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