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Chapter 7: French Revolution and Napoleon

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1 Chapter 7: French Revolution and Napoleon
Section 1: The French Revolution Begins

2 QW #2.2 - Success!!! Success?? In your opinion, was the French Revolution a success or was it a failure? Explain/defend your answer.

3 Section 1: The French Revolution Begins
The Old Order The Privileged Estates First Estate – the Roman Catholic Church Education and relief to poor, but contributed little the government Second Estate – nobility Two percent of population, owned 20 percent of the land and paid no tax Access to high offices exemptions from taxes The Third Estate 97 percent of population – three groups within the estate Bourgeoisie > middle class with a high tax rate Workers of France > very poor Peasants > 80 percent of population paid taxes to king, tidings to church, and dues to nobles

4 Section 1: The French Revolution Begins
The Forces of Change Enlightenment Ideas Inspired by the successes of the Americans in their revolution Economic Troubles Economy on the decline and middle class was to be hit hard coupled with the heavy taxes Poor harvests and people faced starvation Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lavish living Weak Leader Louis and Marie just weren’t good

5 Section 1: The French Revolution Begins
Dawn of the Revolution National Assembly 1789 Estates-General vote Third Estate makes a push for representative government Tennis Court Oath Storming the Bastille In search for weapons to defend the city

6 Section 1: The French Revolution Begins
The Great Fear Rebellion sweeps the countryside Peasants raid noble homes and in some cases burned down the houses Women’s march to protest the price of bread Turns violent as well Broke into the palace and killed some guards The King flees

7 Chapter 7: French Revolution and Napoleon
Section 2: Revolution Brings Reform and Terror

8 Section 2: Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
The Assembly Reforms France Nobles join the movement out of fear Turns the tide and the old regime dies The Rights of Man Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen Looks to the Declaration of Independence for influence Right to equal justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion Does not apply to all; Olympe de Gouges State-Controlled Church No longer an independent institution in France Louis Tries to Escape

9 Section 2: Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
Division Develop A Limited Monarchy 1791 New constitutional monarchy Factions Split France Radicals, Moderates, Conservatives Emigrés and Sans-culottes QW 2.3 – Left, Right, Center Make a list of current political leaders and classify them as liberal, moderates, or conservatives.

10 Section 2: Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
War and Execution Other European state fearful of revolution spreading Austria and Prussia urge to restore monarchy France at War Prussian Threat French people imprison Marie Antoinette and children Peasants and radicals massacre prisoners National Assembly abolishes monarchy > declares France a republic

11 Section 2: Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
Jacobins Take control Jean Paul Marat called for death to all who supported the king Louis himself was treated as a common citizen Tried for treason, sentenced to death by the guillotine War Rages on

12 Section 2: Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
Terror Grips France Enemies within Robespierre were radicals who looked to rid all of France’s old ways Becomes a dictator Rids the nation of enemies Tried in the morning > executed in the afternoon Executed any who were not as radical as he was Danton > put to death 40k people saw the guillotine Living in terror, the National Convention turned on Robespierre and executed him The Directory and Napoleon

13 Chapter 7: French Revolution and Napoleon
Section 3: Napoleon Forges an Empire

14 Section 3: Napoleon Forges an Empire
Napoleon Seizes Power Many early victories for Bonaparte Becomes national hero Coup d’Etat The Directory had become weak and Napoleon takes control with military force Britain, Austria, and Russia still at war with France Ends with a peace accord

15 Section 3: Napoleon Forges an Empire
Napoleon Rules France The plebiscite Restoring Order at Home Economy and Politics Efficient method of tax collection with a national bank Ended corruption and inefficiency in the government Education Lycees open to all students Religion Concordat > separation of Church and State Napoleonic Code Eliminated many injustices, but also limited individual freedoms

16 Section 3: Napoleon Forges an Empire
Napoleon Creates an Empire Crowned Emperor Loss of American Territories Haitian Revolt and Louisiana Purchase Conquering Europe Austrian Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland Allied British, Austria, Russia, Sweden Napoleon’s masterful campaign

17 Section 3: Napoleon Forges an Empire
The Battle of Trafalgar Admiral Nelson defeats Napoleon Ensured British naval supremacy and halted his campaign for Britain The French Empire Only free areas Britain, Portugal, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire

18 Chapter 7: French Revolution and Napoleon
Section 4: Napoleon’s Empire Collapses

19 Section 4: Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
Napoleon’s Costly Mistakes The Continental System Blockade to prevent all trade and communication Smuggling became a problem British blockade and the War of 1812 Peninsular War Continental System does not work Threat to the Church Guerilla warfare The Invasion of Russia Napoleon advances on Moscow > falls back but gets caught in the snow and is attacked relentlessly

20 Section 4: Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
Napoleon’s Downfall Napoleon Suffers Defeat European Allies quick to kick him while he’s down Generals refuse to fight, Napoleon is captured and exiled to the island of Elba The Hundred Days New king becomes unpopular, Napoleon escapes to seize rule to the joy of the French people The Battle at Waterloo QW #2.4 – To Follow or Not Do you feel that Napoleon was a great leader? Explain.

21 Chapter 7: French Revolution and Napoleon
Section 5: The Congress of Vienna

22 Section 5: The Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna – a series of meeting called to set up policies that would establish a collective stability and security for the entire continent Metternich’s Plan for Europe Containment of France Austrian Netherlands and Dutch Republic united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands A group of 39 German states were loosely joined as the newly created German Confederation Switzerland was recognized as an independent nation Kingdom of Sardinia in Italy was strengthened by adding Genoa

23 Section 5: The Congress of Vienna
Balance of Power Plan to weaken France not leave it powerless Legitimacy Many of the rulers that were dethroned were restored For the first time, European nations had cooperated in political affairs Fair and just for a concerned nations

24 Section 5: The Congress of Vienna
Conservative Europe Holy Alliance > assured Christian principles and defense against revolution between Austria and Prussia Concert of Europe > ensured European nations would come to each other’s aid if revolutions broke out Long-Term Legacy

25 Section 5: The Congress of Vienna

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