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Mrs. Ha Ch. 11 Sec. 1 Part 2 War Begins.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Ha Ch. 11 Sec. 1 Part 2 War Begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Ha Ch. 11 Sec. 1 Part 2 War Begins

2 I. The Great War Begins A. Background 1. Russia: wanted access
to Mediterranean Sea 2. Germany: Rail link to Ottoman-Empire

3 3. Austria-Hungary taken over Bosnia 4. Serbia: A.H. claimed subversion

4 B. Archduke Franz Ferdinand & wife 1. June, 1914 2. Heir: Austrian throne 3. Visiting Serbia 4. Both assassinated:by Gavrilo Princip

5 5. Princip: Serbian nationalist 6. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia on July

6 C. Country alliances pull
1. Germany v. Russia (G. on side of A.H.) 2. Germany v. France (Russia’s ally) 3. Britain v. Germany (after G. invades Belgium)

7 D. Fighting Begins: 8-3-1914 1. Germany invades Belgium
a) Schlieffen Plan: hold Russia w/½ of army b) Invade Paris: take France w/other half c) Combine: attack Russia

8 2. Trench warfare: dig in a) “No man’s Land”: barren land between enemy trenches b) 3 trenches/3 yrs. and 7 miles

9 II. U.S. enters WWI A. Two Reasons 1. Allies (G.B., France,
Russia) repay loans 2. Stop Germans: threat to U.S. shipping

10 B. British Blockade 1. Mined North Sea 2. Food from U.S. didn’t reach Germany ,000 Germans starved to death 4. U.S. mad at Britain

11 C. Germany Responds 1. Bigger outrage to U.S. 2. U-Boats, subs, sink any ships near Britain a) Crew not warned b) Lusitania sunk: May 7, 1915

12 D. U-Boat Attacks 1. American death toll rises a) Repeated warnings
to Germany b) Election of 1916 c) Democrat: Woodrow Wilson re-elected d) Slogan: “He kept us out of war”

13 III. U.S. Declares War A. Negotiations 1. U.S. declare war only
“overt actions”

14 2. Overt Actions: a) Zimmermann Note b) Four merchant ships sunk / 36 dead c) Russia: new representative government

15 3. Zimmermann Note a) Telegram British agents intercepted b) Plot: Mexico & Germany c) Mexico: reclaim Texas, New Mexico and Arizona

16 B. U.S. enters the War in April, 1917 1. Fight to restore world peace 2. Fight to restore future freedom

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