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GENESIS Dig Site 1 Red Level Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "GENESIS Dig Site 1 Red Level Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENESIS Dig Site 1 Red Level Questions

2 Who created the heavens and the earth? (1:1)
Man God No one

3 Who created the heavens and the earth? (1:1)
Man God No one

4 When God created the earth, what was it like at first? (1:2)
Green and full of life Formless, empty, and dark The Bible does not say

5 When God created the earth, what was it like at first? (1:2)
Green and full of life Formless, empty, and dark The Bible does not say

6 What did God create on the first day? (1:3, 5)
Sea life Plants and trees Light

7 What did God create on the first day? (1:3, 5)
Sea life Plants and trees Light

8 What name did God give to the light He created? (1:5)
Radiance Sunshine Day

9 What name did God give to the light He created? (1:5)
Radiance Sunshine Day

10 What name did God give to the darkness? (1:5)
Late night Night Midnight

11 What name did God give to the darkness? (1:5)
Late night Night Midnight

12 What did God do on the second day? (1:7-8)
Created the stars Separated the waters Created man

13 What did God do on the second day? (1:7-8)
Created the stars Separated the waters Created man

14 What did God call the vault that separated the waters? (1:6-8)
The ocean The mountains The sky

15 What did God call the vault that separated the waters? (1:6-8)
The ocean The mountains The sky

16 What did God tell the land to produce on the third day? (1:11, 13)
Livestock and wild animals Trees and plants Both answers are correct

17 What did God tell the land to produce on the third day? (1:11, 13)
Livestock and wild animals Trees and plants Both answers are correct

18 What happened on the fourth day of creation? (1:16)
God placed the greater and lesser lights in the sky and made the stars. God created fish and birds. God created animals.

19 What happened on the fourth day of creation? (1:16)
God placed the greater and lesser lights in the sky and made the stars. God created fish and birds. God created animals.

20 Why did God create the greater and the lesser lights? (1:14-18)
To govern the day and night To mark the sacred times Both answers are correct.

21 Why did God create the greater and the lesser lights? (1:14-18)
To govern the day and night To mark the sacred times Both answers are correct.

22 Why did God set the two lights in the vault of the sky? (1:17)
To give light on the earth. To have something to do on the fourth day. Both answers are correct.

23 Why did God set the two lights in the vault of the sky? (1:17)
To give light on the earth. To have something to do on the fourth day. Both answers are correct.

24 When did God create birds? (1:20, 23)
The third day The fourth day The fifth day

25 When did God create birds? (1:20, 23)
The third day The fourth day The fifth day

26 What command did God give to the creatures of the sea and the birds
“Stay where I have put you.” “Fill the seas and increase on earth.” Both answers are correct.

27 What command did God give to the creatures of the sea and the birds
“Stay where I have put you.” “Fill the seas and increase on earth.” Both answers are correct.

28 In whose image was mankind created? (1:26-27)
Animals Trees In the image of God

29 In whose image was mankind created? (1:26-27)
Animals Trees In the image of God

30 What was mankind to rule over? (1:26)
Fish, birds and livestock. Wild animals and all creatures that move on the ground. Both answers are correct.

31 What was mankind to rule over? (1:26)
Fish, birds and livestock. Wild animals and all creatures that move on the ground. Both answers are correct.

32 What did God give the man and woman to eat in the garden? (1:29)
Meat Seed-bearing plants and fruit Both answers are correct

33 What did God give the man and woman to eat in the garden? (1:29)
Meat Seed-bearing plants and fruit Both answers are correct

34 What did God think about all that He had made? (1:31)
It was very good. It was ok. It was mostly good.

35 What did God think about all that He had made? (1:31)
It was very good. It was ok. It was mostly good.

36 What did God do on the seventh day? (2:2-3)
God blessed the day and made it holy. God rested. Both answers are correct.

37 What did God do on the seventh day? (2:2-3)
God blessed the day and made it holy. God rested. Both answers are correct.

38 From what did God form a man? (2:7)
The dust of the ground The air Both answers are correct

39 From what did God form a man? (2:7)
The dust of the ground The air Both answers are correct

40 What did God breath into the nostrils of man? (2:7)
Dust of the ground. A great wind. The breath of life.

41 What did God breath into the nostrils of man? (2:7)
Dust of the ground. A great wind. The breath of life.

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