Analytical writing Week 3 homework Due Week 4.

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1 Analytical writing Week 3 homework Due Week 4

2 Shakespeare effectively reveals Elizabethan society’s perceptions of women in the 16th century, through the interactions and discussions of various characters in Act 1. Analyse the language used to convey these expectations. What is the audience’s first impression of Romeo? Analyse his attitude and one main character trait displayed in the opening scenes of the play (Act 1).  Several characters criticise Romeo for falling in love too quickly. Does his tendency towards infatuation give the audience reason to question Romeo’s affection for Juliet? Explore with specific reference to Romeo’s lines in Act 1. Questions: Choose ONE question and answer in proper analytical format. You will receive a grade for this piece of work and I will keep track of your progress throughout the term in other analytical pieces of writing.

3 Shakespeare effectively reveals Elizabethan society’s perceptions of women in the 16th century, through the interactions and discussions of various characters in Act 1. Analyse the language used to convey these expectations. -Key scenes: Scene 1 – sexual banter (women’s inferiority) or Scene 2/3 – Juliet to be married (a woman’s role in the home), or Scene 2 – Romeo’s obsession with Rosaline’s beauty/posterity -Elizabethan society’s perceptions include: women as submissive, inferior, emotional, to be desired, to be beautiful, to be confined to the household (for procreating, raising children) -Discuss the patriarchal society that existed at the time – the effect of this was that women’s roles were clearly defined and restricted in many ways -Discuss explicitly the discussions between Sampson/Gregory; Lord Capulet/Paris; Romeo/Benvolio; Lady Capulet, Nurse and Juliet -Analyse the LANGUAGE – means to analyse the technique Question 1

4 What is the audience’s first impression of Romeo
What is the audience’s first impression of Romeo? Analyse his attitude and one main character trait displayed in the opening scenes of the play (Act 1).  How can we define Romeo’s personality? Identify personality traits and find evidence to support: For example: Melodramatic: “She hath forsworn to love, and in that vow do I live dead that live to tell it now” – he is suggesting he is the ‘living dead’ and is barely alive as a result of her rejection Consider Act 1, Scene 1 – his discussion with Benvolio about Rosaline Act 1, Scene 2 – the continuance of the discussion with Benvolio Act 1, Scene 4 – his discussion with Benvolio and Mercutio Act 1, Scene 5 – his actions with Juliet – consider him moving on from Rosaline – what does this suggest about his persona? Question 2

5 Several characters criticise Romeo for falling in love too quickly
Several characters criticise Romeo for falling in love too quickly. Does his tendency towards infatuation give the audience reason to question Romeo’s affection for Juliet? Explore with specific reference to Romeo’s lines in Act 1. -Key scenes: Scene 2 – Romeo discussing his love for Rosaline to Benvolio; Scene 4 – Romeo discussing his love to Mercutio and Benvolio; Scene 5 – Romeo falling “in love” with Juliet -Consider if you believe that Romeo ‘falls in love’ too easily, too quickly – that it is fake/untrue/just lustful feelings. Does his love for Rosaline initially make us question his ‘love’ for Juliet in Scene 5? YES -You can sit on the fence – and say ‘yes to a large extent’- and then convey that his language does change when he meets Juliet – he speaks using religious imagery -Your quotes should specifically be from Romeo’s lines in Act 1 -Consider his language – imagery, oxymorons, etc – what it reveals about his feelings towards Rosaline and then Juliet Question 3

6 Shakespeare effectively reveals Elizabethan society’s perceptions of women in the 16th century, through the interactions and discussions of various characters in Act 1. Analyse the language used to convey these expectations. What is the audience’s first impression of Romeo? Analyse his attitude and one main character trait displayed in the opening scenes of the play (Act 1).  Several characters criticise Romeo for falling in love too quickly. Does his tendency towards infatuation give the audience reason to question Romeo’s affection for Juliet? Explore with specific reference to Romeo’s lines in Act 1. Questions Topic sentence – Main idea of your paragraph, using the words of the question – don’t use the name of the text, Shakespeare) – should be a general theme based statement (1 sentence) Explanation (identify the scene referred to, elaborate upon your topic sentence and answer the question in 2 sentences) Analysis (2-3 quotes) – analyse your quotes in relation to the question; analyse the language device, and explain the effect upon the audience (6-8 sentences) Linking sentence – Final sentence linking your analysis to your main idea (1 sentence)

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