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2018年上海理工大学 留学生安全防范法制宣讲 上海市公安局文化保卫分局 2018年3月30日.

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Presentation on theme: "2018年上海理工大学 留学生安全防范法制宣讲 上海市公安局文化保卫分局 2018年3月30日."— Presentation transcript:

1 2018年上海理工大学 留学生安全防范法制宣讲 上海市公安局文化保卫分局 2018年3月30日

2 Prevention on frequently cases Ways to request help from police
seen in colleges 1 Information on Laws 2 Ways to request help from police 3 目 录 content

3 01 Prevention on frequently cases seen in colleges 01: Theft cases
02:Telecom Fraud 03:Fighting and brawling 04:Fire Control and Safety

4 Theft cases

5 01 02 03 Theft of bikes Theft in public areas Burglary
or electric bikes Theft in public areas Burglary

6 案例一 案例二

7 Don’t leave your bags and other precious things alone in classroom, library, sports field and any other public areas in campus. 教室内 盗窃 图书馆 盗窃

8 When leaving your dormitory, even in a short time, please close your door; When resting in your room, please lock the door to avoid uninvited guests


10 Choose a high-quality bike lock and lock your bike before leaving.

11 Typical fraud cases on campus

12 01 02 03 False Information Fraud Shopping-on-the-net Fraud
Chatting-online Fraud

13 False Information Fraud
We Advise you to suspect when someone tells You have won a prize You are suspected involved into criminal activities You have due telephone charges Your credit card debt are due Your parcel with contrabands

14 Tips 01 03 04 Tips from the police 02
The simplest way is to ignore the false information Tips Suspect on all kinds of sudden stroke of luck and emergency 02 03 Don’t transfer your money to any so-called safety account 04 Don’t tell anyone your account details and never share your password

15 Shopping-on-the-net Fraud
High-tech means Difficulty to identify Relative complexity Character:

16 Fraud related to Shopping on the websites
中国银行网站 钓鱼网站

17 Tips 01 02 03 04 Tips from the police
Do shopping on larger, established and well-known websites Tips Be extremely careful with any websites that offers unusually large discounts 02 03 Do not trust any excuse to pay twice for any product or service 04 Do not share your password and verification code with others

18 Chatting online Fraud One day, a college student called the police and claimed: He received QQ message at 9:50 am that a friend needed to borrow yuan due to an emergency. The victim saw through QQ video that the other person involved was his friend, so he transferred yuan to the appointed account. Later when he contacted his friend, and was told that his friend’s account was hacked and advised to avoid transfer money to any cheater.

19 Tips 01 02 Tips from the police
When chatting by instant messaging applications, if you’re asked to lend money, be alert. Confirm by telephone with your contacts before transferring money. Tips 01 If you find out that your chatting software account was hacked, notify immediately your contacts and change your password. 02

20 Fighting and brawling

21 Assault means causing bodily harm to others or causing others to be injured through violence. The penalization for injury on purpose has been stipulated in detail from the 234 item of Criminal Law.

22 There are no few off-campus cases with students involved where violence and alcohol are related. We encourage students to be aware of the quantity of alcohol consumed and be away of conflictive people. Police’s tips

23 Fire Control and Safety

24 The fire disaster spot of dormitory of international student on December.18, 2009.

25 These things are not allowed to be used in the dormitory

26 Tips 5 4 3 2 1 Tips from the police
If you find the electric appliance or power supply in your room has problems in switch, socket or connection, please have it repaired immediately. 3 Don’t use electric stove, portable water heater, electric heating water boiler, or electric cooker. 2 Don’t use candle, or store flammable and explosive objects, or fire in your room. 1 Please don’t put in objects or block the fire safety exit Do not smoke in the dormitory. Do not lay down when smoking.

27 Tips Familiarize yourself with your surroundings, memorize the locations of emergency exits and fire escapes. Be mindful as well when going to unfamiliar places, so that in the event of a fire you can quickly and safely exit.

28 When going through a smoke filled area, use a towel or other cloth to cover your mouth. Crawl on the ground or floor in order to avoid inhaling too much smoke. As well you can also use a blanket that has been doused in cold water to wrap your body or head before exiting. Tips

29 Tips Do not attempt to jump from the building as this may cause serious injuries or death. In the event of a fire keep calm. Find your bearings and quickly exit in an orderly manner. Do not crowd or push. Stay in areas that are clear and well lighted, and make your way to the ground floor.

30 Tips In the event of a fire, remember your life is most important. Do not waste time looking for belongings or securing valuables. Make an exit quickly and do not attempt to re enter the scene.

31 Tips In the event that you are unable to exit from a building, stuff a wet towel under the door to keep smoke from entering the room and wait for firefighters or rescuers to come.

32 Tips If you are unable to exit from a room, keep close to the window so that firefighters and rescuers will be better able to see you. During the day time you can wave bright materials so that others can see you; at night you can use hard items to knock on the walls so that others can hear you.

33 02 Legal Information 01:Drug control 02:Residence registration
03:Religion 04:Road traffic safety

34 heroin marijuana morphine methamphetamine In China, according to Criminal Law and Anti-drug Law of the People’s Republic of China, drug refers to opium, heroin, methamphetamine (ice), morphine, marijuana, cocaine and other controlled narcotic and psychotropic substances that cause addictions. opium cocaine

35 A fine of no more than 2000 Yuan A fine of no more than 3000 Yuan
Common Illegal Acts Related to Drug include: Detention of 10 to 15 days or A fine of no more than 2000 Yuan Imprisonment Illegal drug possession Supply drug to others Taking or injecting drug Supply accommodation for others to take or inject drug, or introduce drug trafficking Detention of 10 to 15 days or A fine of no more than 3000 Yuan Imprisonment Force, induce, instigate, cheat others to take or inject drug

36 Relative laws and regulations about residence registration
Exit-entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, article 39, foreigners accommodated in places other than hotel should register at local police station by themselves or accommodators within 24 hours after moving to that place. If anyone who fails to register in time, according to article 76 of Exit-entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China should be given a warning and be charged a fine of no more than 200 yuan.

37 Relative laws and regulations about residence registration
1、IF NOT A warning and A fine of no more than 200 Yuan. Register within 24 hours 2、Hold a 144-Hour Visa-free Transit You should register with your 144-Hour Visa-free Transit

38 Relative laws and regulations about residence registration

39 Relative laws and regulations about religious activities
Article 29 of Administrative Regulation of College’s Enrollment and Education of International Students, colleges and universities should respect national customs and religious belief of international students, but not providing place for religious activities.

40 Relative laws and regulations about religious activities
Article 19 of the Enforcement Regulation of Administrative Regulation of Foreigners’ Religious Activities in China, foreigners join religious activities, violating the regulations, should be stopped by religious affairs department or other relative departments of the county-level municipal government or above. Joining religious activities and violating regulations of foreigners in China would violate laws and regulations of Exit-entry Administration Law of Foreigners of People’s Republic of China, and Security Management and Punishment Regulations of People’s Republic of China should be handled by public security bureau and prosecuted of one’s criminal liability by judiciary authorities.

41 Relative laws and regulations about traffic safety
You should apply for the license within 15 days after purchasing the vehicle. Hand over the vehicle for examination on site and hand in these following materials: 1、non-motor vehicle’s owner’s identity certificate, like identity card, residence booklet, or company’s business license; 2、certificate of vehicle purchase or other legal origin of motor-vehicle 3、qualification of non-motor vehicle 4、other documents requested by traffic management department of public security bureau

42 Tips for traffic safety on campus
Please reduce the speed when entering into the campus, and remember safety is most important. The vehicle without license or remade are strictly not allowed. You should be familiar with route and position on campus, and remember which place is easy to cause accident. Take care when you walk and avoid vehicle.

43 Relative laws and regulations about traffic safety
If you wish to have another person on your bike or electric bike You can take one juvenile of younger than 12 years old on your bike or electric bike. A warning or A fine of 5 to 50 Yuan or vehicle could be detained. If violating relative regulations of road traffic Drunk driver Driving license will be withdrawn, being investigated the criminal liability, and never obtain motor-vehicle driving license again within 5 years.

44 Relative laws and regulations about anti-terrorism
Article 79 of Anti-terrorism law, organize, plan, be ready to enforce, practice terrorist activities, advocate terrorism, incite and practice terrorist activities, illegally hold objects that advocate terrorism, force others to wear clothes, signs in public area that advocate terrorism, organize, lead, join terrorist activity organizations, provide help for terrorist activity organization, terrorist activity members, practice terrorist activity or terrorist activity training, should be investigated criminal liability. Article 5 and item 20 of Computer Information Network International Cyber Safety Protection Administration Regulation, making use of the internet to produce, copy, refer to, spread illegal information, should be given a warning by the public security bureau. If there’s any illegal income, it should be confiscated and charged a fine of no more than 5000 yuan to that person.

45 Relative laws and regulations about anti-terrorism
1、Advocate terrorism, extremism or incite practicing terrorist activity, extremist activity; Detention of 10 to 15 days and A find of no more than 10,000 Yuan 2、Produce, spread, illegally hold objects that advocate terrorism, extremism; 3、Force others to wear clothes, signs that advocate terrorism, extremism in public area; 4、Provide support, assist, convenience, such as information, capital, materials, labor, technology, place, etc. to advocate terrorism, extremism or practicing terrorism, extremist activities.

46 03 Ways to request help from police 01:Dial 110
02:Come to the police station

47 Dial police number: 110 110 is available in various languages including English, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, French, Arabic, Spanish and Italian.

48 Come to the police station to report a case
The address of Hu Dong college police station: No.8, Guang Ling 4 Road. The phone number:


50 Thank you! 上海市公安局文化保卫分局

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