Aaron East, Tonya East, Rich Hanson Western Oregon University

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Presentation on theme: "Aaron East, Tonya East, Rich Hanson Western Oregon University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aaron East, Tonya East, Rich Hanson Western Oregon University
Establishing an Infrastructure for the Changing World of Teacher Training Aaron East, Tonya East, Rich Hanson Western Oregon University

2 Objectives of this Session
Provide a brief historical review of Oregon’s Driver Education Program Share information about administrating Traffic Safety Education at Western Oregon University Review the changing focus areas of the Traffic Safety Education Program for the Trainer of Trainers Sharing “what works” and effective strategies An insiders point of view - what it’s like being a Master Trainer

3 Background of Driver Education in Oregon
Oregon Foundational Legislation 1999 – HB 2440 B led to ORS - Oregon GDL Law included driver education as the path to graduated licensing system. - Transferred oversight of driver education to the Department of Transportation from Department of Education in 2000.

4 Goals of Driver Education in Oregon
Coordinate Driver Education Curriculum Coordinate Instructor Training and Train the Trainer Curriculum Certify Public Driver Education Providers and Instructors Certify Private Driver Education Providers and Instructors Provide Public Information, Education Programs and Resources Oversee the Student Driver Training Fund and Reimbursement Coordinate the Student Certification Program

5 Western Oregon University Contract Timeline
2000 WOU awarded the contract Goal – to work jointly with ODOT to develop an infrastructure to train new DE instructors. Objective #1 - Develop a Master Trainer program Objective #2 – Provide state-wide training

6 Western Oregon University Contract Timeline
In 2010 NITSA assessment was completed leading to a contract amendment which included: 2012 – Beginning of DE Instructor Certification 2013 – Release of Oregon Risk Prevention Curriculum called the Playbook 2016 – Second version of the Playbook curriculum was completed and released 2017 – Updated DE instructor curriculum called the Game Plan was completed and released

7 Today’s Traffic Safety Education Focus Areas
Mentoring support for providers & new instructors DE Instructor Courses statewide in every region Increase in number of new DE instructors through recruitment and retention Curriculum updates and Refresher Courses Regional Conference support for continuing education Data & Evaluation providing analysis and course correction Technology advances for provider compliance and instructor certification Collaboration with statewide, regional & national partners

8 ODOT/WOU Partnership Evolves
Administration team is formed between ODOT and WOU Increased support for administration and business support for both ODOT and WOU Joint 5 year strategic plan was created Emphasis on developing a high performance training team

9 Developing a Trainer of Trainers Team
The Process to become a ToT in Oregon Application to Western Oregon University Phone Interview and Reference Check 2 weekends of evaluation / education / interview Final Interview by WOU Administration and selection of ToT’s 3rd Weekend of Evaluation and prep for co-teaching phase ~1 year of co-teaching; attend ToT meetings, retreats and Regional Conference Continue with teaching and may move on to other ToT work based on skills, interest and availability

10 Developing a Trainer of Trainers Team
Management of the ToT team in Oregon Teambuilding Semi-annual check in Course evaluations Annual performance review Let the experts be the experts Cross training and succession planning

11 What works for you? For those of you who have Master Trainers or ToTs in your state, what has worked? Recruitment Hired, certified, designated Training to become a Master Trainer or ToT Retention and continuing education Sustainability and succession planning

12 Instructor Training – A View from the Inside (or is it outside)?
My experience as a Trainer of Trainers (ToT)

13 Rich Hanson ToT History
Selected and Trained in 2003 Volunteered to help out with other trainers to gain experience Began training others in 2004 ODOT began cycling trainers out who didn’t fit the new paradigm Cadre was reduced from 20 to 8 trainers

14 Have “Gun” Will Travel We bring the training to you
Many different small towns many miles away State of Oregon dimensions 98,000 Square miles 300 Miles N-S 400 Miles E-W


16 Being a Trainer of Trainers is More Than Just Training

17 What I Do Train others to teach driver education
Mentor teachers and program managers Write curriculum for teens Write teacher training curriculum

18 What I Do Developed the second iteration of online training
Conduct workshops at conferences Represent Oregon on the national stage

19 What’s Next Continue to work with the other Trainer of Trainers
Continue to get better at what I do Listen to my colleagues

20 Questions? Thank You!

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