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Sounds of English Lesson 5 Semester 1.

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1 Sounds of English Lesson 5 Semester 1


3 Student A/B DICTATION!

4 Student A kite bone cared /keəd/ tours /tʊəz/ boil /bɔɪl/ fierce
/kaɪt/ bone /bəʊn/ cared /keəd/ tours /tʊəz/ boil /bɔɪl/ fierce /fɪəs/

5 Student B moors raid coat town /taʊn/ /mʊəz/ /reɪd/ /kəʊt/ time /taɪm/
beard /bɪəd/

6 Turn to p43 sounds spelling &

7 HOMEWORK The Centring Diphthongs p24 Read Roach Chapter 3
Listen to the CD (a lot of exercises here) Youtube watch the 10 BBC videos on diphthongs Discovery Activities p20 – p23

8 The Centring Diphthongs p.24

9 A: “Well, my dear, would you like a beer or something else?”
B: “A beer is a good idea.” A: “Two beers, please!” B: “Cheers! Thanks for the beer.” A: “Cheers! I’m glad we’re here.” 1. dear beer(s) 3. idea 4. cheers we’re here

10 A: “Hello. I’m looking for Mary. Do you know her?”
B: “Mary? Has she got fair hair?” A: “Yes, that’s right.” B: “Oh well, she shares a flat upstairs with Claire.” A: “Is she there at the moment?” B: “No. They’re both out. But have a chair and you can wait here.” Mary 2. fair hair shares 5. upstairs 6. Claire 7. there 8. they’re 9. chair

11 A: “I was touring round rural Wales during my holiday when I ran out of petrol.”
B: “Would the jury please note this?” A: “I was sure there’d be enough.” B: “Carry on.” A: “And so I was so furious I hit this poor tourist.” B: “I see. Well, I’m sure we can find a good cure for your fury.” 1. touring 2. rural during 4. jury sure 6. furious 7. poor tourist 9. cure 10. fury



14 Consonant Phonemes Manner of Articulation 2. Place of Articulation
3. Voicing



17 Manner of Articulation (how)
Plosive Affricate Fricative Nasal Lateral Approximant

18 Place of Articulation (where)
Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal


20 voiced voiceless unvoiced

21 Turn to p25


23 Answers to Dictation shop 6. fall though 7. take yes 8. choice ring
world 6. fall 7. take 8. choice 9. bear / bare 10.miner / minor

24 Group 1 Plosives

25 Discovery Activities p.29 – p.32


27 HOMEWORK Roach Chapters 4 & 5 READ THESE WELL
Dispensa Sounds & Spelling p44 & p45 Dispensa revise p25 – p32 BBC pronunciation on YouTube – videos on plosives


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